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sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2024

Algumas coisas SOBRE OS BRICS E O OURO


Ninguém está a revelar a verdade, no que toca ao que possui em ouro nos respectivos bancos centrais.
A introdução do ouro no sistema monetário poderá ser enquanto contrapartida de uma obrigação de longa duração (fala-se de 50 anos até maturidade). Portanto, uma obrigação com uma garantia de estabilidade conferida pelo ouro.
Entre muitos elementos informativos que Andy Schectman nos fornece, ele tem uma opinião muito semelhante à minha sobre a ameaça de Trump aos países que deixem cair o dólar nas suas trocas. A ameaça de 100% de «tarifas alfandegárias» é realmente uma pseudo chantagem, um bluff de póker! 
- Porque a subida de tarifas neste grau seria o equivalente duma subida brutal dos impostos nos EUA. Iria matar a economia dos EUA num instante!
E muito mais poderá aprender ao ouvir esta entrevista com Andy Schectman.


quarta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2024


Se aquilo que Lena Petrova relata se confirma, que o BIS está na disposição de cancelar o M-BRIDGE, isto significa que o BIS está totalmente alinhado com os EUA e o «ocidente», já não é mais uma organização independente.
É um nível mais elevado na escalada da guerra económica do Império USA contra  os BRICS.
PS1: Esta louca corrida para a frente dos que controlam ainda parte substancial das finanças mundiais (bancos centrais ocidentais, o BIS, o FMI...) deve ser avaliada em função de dois fenómenos inquietantes (para eles):

1) A subida vertiginosa dos mercados na China (30% em dez dias), em resposta à descida das taxas pelo banco central chinês. 
2) A dificuldade em colocar obrigações do tesouro dos EUA (treasuries) a 2 e a 5 anos, levou ao aumento da taxa de juro e portanto, à diminuição do valor destas treasuries. 
Isto deve-se à expetativa dos investidores de que irá disparar a inflação nos EUA. Num primeiro momento, os EUA poderão conseguir exportar a inflação, como tem acontecido no passado. 
Mas, a partir de certo ponto, haverá uma relutância e depois recusa, nos outros países, em aceitar dólares em pagamento. Então, será o fim do domínio do dólar. 


segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2024



A entrevistadora de Lynette é Michelle Makory de Kitco NEWS. 

Lynette diz que os donos do sistema financeiro global precisam de uma crise para fazerem passar a transição para os CBDC (divisas digitais emitidas pelos bancos centrais).

Lynette está em posição de compreender as jogadas que estão a levar o Mundo para o caos. Eles precisam desse caos. Precisam também de fabricar falsas esperanças no público, para este se agarrar a «salva-vidas» irrisórios. Segundo ela, existe um «documento branco» publicado em 1996 pela NSA, onde são delineadas as características do futuro sistema monetário. Quem ler este documento, diz Lynette, verá que existem muitas coincidências com as cripto-divisas e com um mundo sem dinheiro físico (dinheiro-papel).

Faz notar que o artigo que lançou o Bitcoin, surgiu apenas meses depois do grande crash de 2008. Nessa altura, interessava fazer crer que a salvação eram símbolos imateriais, supostamente independentes de poderes políticos e bancários. Não lhes interessava, obviamente, que as pessoas se refugiassem no ouro e na prata, com a posse direta dos seus compradores; esta seria a melhor maneira de preservar o valor dos ativos.  

Lynette está convencida de que o momento em que foi lançado o Bitcoin não foi por acaso, mas antes «um Cavalo de Tróia», para o grande público aceitar o desaparecimento do dinheiro material, ficando apenas com o dinheiro digital. Este, afinal é muito controlável pelos bancos centrais e pelo poder político. Além disso, tem muitas vantagens, para os que controlam o jogo: O CBDC é programável, como o descreveu o diretor do BIS há uns cinco anos atrás. 

Não seria necessário ilegalizar a posse do Bitcoin ou doutras cripto-divisas. Bastaria limitar sua utilização às transações estritamente particulares.  Assim, os detentores de Bitcoin, etc. ficavam com cripto-divisas que já pouco valeriam, face às divisas digitais emitidas pelos bancos centrais. 

Para a aceitação generalizada das CBDC, é preciso uma valente crise para as pessoas, em pânico, aceitarem converter tudo o que têm em cripto-divisas, centralmente emitidas. 

Estas cripto-divisas têm a possibilidade efetiva de transportar o registo de qualquer ativo ou objeto de valor (tokenization). Depois, esses «valores digitalizados» serão transportáveis no teu «porta-moedas digital»: O título de propriedade do teu apartamento, ou o valor da roupa que vestes, ou outra coisa qualquer. Podes transacioná-los, dá-los em fiança num empréstimo, etc.

Esta manobra pode ser descodificada em três etapas:

- problema (como passar ao novo sistema monetário sem afetar os privilégios da oligarquia?) ---> 

---> crise (como gerir o caos para a demolição controlada do sistema existente?)

----> solução (os bancos centrais emitem as divisas digitais, todas as pessoas terão o seu porta-moedas digital, com o seu dinheiro digital. Este seria usado para guardar ativos financeiros, ou certidões de bens materiais, como imobiliário, objetos de valor, etc.).

É assim que a classe oligárquica no poder, opera. Fazendo com que as pessoas se submetam às suas «soluções» as quais, em regra, só beneficiam realmente aquela mesma classe. 


NB: Existe neste blog "Manuel Banet, ele próprio", muita informação sobre estes assuntos: 

Por exemplo...

crónica nº15 da IIIª Guerra Mundial, publicada a 31 de Julho de 2023  



quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2024


 A de-dolarização* vai continuar ao longo do ano de 2024. Ela atinge agora um marco histórico. As reservas de ouro detidas pelos bancos centrais relativamente a Obrigações do Tesouro dos EUA, alcançaram a marca dos 50% pela primeira vez.

Gráfico nº1: Valor das reservas oficiais (Bancos Centrais) em ouro relativamente às Obrigações do Tesouro denominadas em dólares

Sendo a China a segunda maior detentora de dívida americana, sob forma de Obrigações do Tesouro dos EUA, a mudança na composição de suas reservas em ouro e em ativos denominados em dólares é muito significativa. Note-se que os valores oficiais em toneladas de ouro, contabilizadas no Banco Central Chinês (o PBC), são considerados por muitos observadores muito abaixo da realidade, pois existem grandes quantidades de ouro nas mãos do Estado, que não estão incluídas na contabilidade do referido banco central. 

Gráfico nº2:  China - o valor dos ativos em ouro em relação aos ativos de Obrigações do Tesouro dos EUA

A acumulação de ouro pelos BRICS, comparada com os ativos em ouro dos EUA e da União Europeia, vai aumentando, sem nenhum sinal de abrandamento. Alguns pensam que esta acumulação de ouro indica que será lançada no futuro próximo uma moeda comum, sustentada pelo ouro. Mas, outros observadores pensam que os BRICS, em vez de adotarem uma moeda comum, diretamente ancorada ao ouro, vão continuar as trocas em divisas nacionais respetivas, servindo o ouro como parâmetro de ajustamento nas trocas bilaterais. De qualquer maneira, o ouro nos BRICS  já desempenha um papel relevante no sistema monetário em construção.

Gráfico nº3: Ativos em ouro nos bancos centrais dos BRICS, em proporção com os ativos em ouro dos bancos centrais dos EUA e da União Europeia.

De uma forma ou de outra, o ouro está a ser reintroduzido no sistema monetário mundial. Os BRICS não são os únicos: o Banco de Compensações Internacionais estabeleceu, há vários anos, que o ouro iria ser considerado  como «Tier 1», em todo o sistema bancário (bancos centrais e comerciais). Isto significa que os Estados, as empresas e as pessoas podem usar o ouro como colateral, da mesma forma como usavam as obrigações soberanas.

(Gráficos copiados do site seguinte   )


* NB: A de-dolarização é sobretudo uma recusa em deter ou em comprar dívida do tesouro dos EUA («treasuries»). Quando um banco central vende «Treasuries», não importa por que motivo, está a adquirir dólares em troca dessas treasuries. Assim, a procura de dólares no mercado mundial das divisas aumenta pontualmente. Mas, como os EUA estão falidos, o que acontece direta ou indiretamente, é a emissão de mais dólares, para cobrir essa operação de resgate de treasuries. Ao fazê-lo, o banco central americano (a FED) está diluindo o valor do dólar. Por outro lado, ser possuidor de dólares, equivale a  ser sujeito a sanções e chantagens pelo governo dos EUA. Estas, apenas se podem efetivar através da manipulação do dólar e das contas denominadas em dólares, possuídas por entidades estrangeiras. Quem não esteja disposto a isso, mesmo sendo aliado dos EUA, vai evitar converter os seus excedentes em Treasuries e vai preferir algo que não possa ser instrumentalizado contra o próprio detentor: é o caso de barras de ouro. 

domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2023

THE GREAT TAKING; A GRANDE TOMADA - Documentário de David Webb

Uma importante revelação sobre como funcionam realmente os sistemas bancário e financeiro, envolvendo as nossas poupanças, as pensões, as contas bancárias, etc. Em caso de falência sistémica, nada disto restará. Provavelmente, grande parte dos bens imobiliários e outros, também serão submetidos a transferência, sem proteção efetiva aos atuais proprietários. Muitas pessoas, mesmo que não estivessem em dívida, de repente ficam sem nada.

 Estudem este vídeo e o livro, pois dão informação que nos podem ajudar a desenhar estratégias* pessoais e familiares, para preservar o essencial, aquando do próximo grande colapso, que já está em marcha.

 David Webb desmascara o sistema que os banqueiros centrais instalaram para se apropriarem de todos os bens, da gente toda.
O documentário é acompanhado por um livro com o mesmo título: The Great Taking

(*) A tempestade que se aproxima será completamente inédita, em termos de experiência humana. Os que se mantêm na ignorância serão varridos, quer sejam «ricos» ou «pobres». O que vai ser decisivo é ter acesso a fontes primárias de abastecimento (morar no campo, em zona agrícola) e ter uma rede de verdadeira solidariedade (sobretudo a família). As lutas políticas serão cada vez mais agudas e podem conduzir vários países à guerra civil. A fome e o medo levarão pessoas a cometer atos hediondos. A brutalidade da repressão ao serviço dos poderosos não conhecerá qualquer limitação da lei ou do respeito humano. Quem está na ilusão, não pensará abrigar-se: depois, já será demasiado tarde.

(**) Pode ativar as legendas automáticas em inglês para melhor compreensão.

segunda-feira, 30 de outubro de 2023



Lynette Zang põe as coisas a claro e com provas. Ainda estás a tempo de saber a verdade e de tomar as medidas que se impõem para tua salvaguarda.

Uma temporada de «bail in»* não está fora dos possíveis, tanto mais que os juros sobre as obrigações sofreram uma subida demasiado brusca, para a qual nem os bancos, nem as empresas estavam preparados. Não esqueçamos que uma política de juros ultrabaixos foi implementada durante longos anos, tornando possível uma acumulação recorde de dívida, em especial, das empresas. Estas dívidas têm de ser amortizadas e os juros das mesmas têm de ser pagos, tendo eles atingido um nível muito superior ao calculado inicialmente. Uma onda de falências é inevitável pois, simultaneamente, é patente a contração do consumo e da economia produtiva.  

* bail in: O «resgate interno»(= bail in) dá-se quando os depositantes veem parte dos seus depósitos tomados, para colmatar as perdas e dívidas incorridas pelos bancos.  Foi a situação que ocorreu em Chipre, em 2013. 

domingo, 19 de março de 2023


Conhecem com certeza a história de Pedro e o Lobo. O Pedro divertia-se a dar falsos alarmes, mas um dia o lobo veio mesmo à aldeia, só que nessa ocasião, ninguém queria acreditar nisso! Aqui, também se passa o mesmo, mas os «Pedros» são os que deram o alerta da situação disfuncional dos mercados e nas instituições financeiras, em particular, desde 2009.

O sistema financeiro e monetário mundial é controlado a partir da FED (Banco Central, uma instituição privada, embora o presidente seja escolhido pelo presidente dos EUA) e também do BIS (Bank of International Settlements) em Basileia (que é tão especial que a polícia suíça não pode lá entrar, mesmo com um mandato de captura).

O projeto de CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currencies) é oriundo e apadrinhado por aquelas duas instituições «mamutes» e por um terceiro «mamute», o FMI.

O processo de introduzir estas CBDC só tem interesse para os banqueiros centrais (em particular, os dos países ocidentais) se implicar a digitalização do dinheiro a 100%. O dinheiro-papel (ou em moedas) deixaria de ter validade.

Este processo talvez seja viável em países muito familiarizados com os cartões de crédito e débito. Nos países ricos (EUA, Suécia, Reino Unido,...) uma maioria das pessoas usa estes meios eletrónicos no quotidiano. A generalização dos pagamentos correntes através de cartão ou de app no smartphone, não seria muito problemática, à primeira vista.

Mas, vejamos o que aconteceu com a introdução do CBDC na Nigéria, país africano considerado rico pelo facto de ser um grande produtor de petróleo: Ver AQUI.

Neste país, houve uma situação caótica, em que as notas de banco eram «racionadas», onde mães, que tinham de alimentar as crianças, saltavam elas próprias as refeições, porque não havia acesso ao dinheiro no banco, não tinham suficiente para se abastecer de alimentos no mercado !

Se nos países desenvolvidos há problemas em instaurar os CBDC, é antes porque a cidadania já percebeu que o controlo do Estado central vai se tornar muito mais problemático do que a mera prevenção da fraude, da criminalidade e da fuga ao fisco.

Nestes países, apesar da propaganda, compreende-se que este processo não é a favor da liberdade, da autonomia e da privacidade dos cidadãos. A aceitação de tal medida tem de ser na sequência dum enorme caos, de uma crise profundíssima, só assim os governos e banqueiros centrais pensam conseguir a «adesão» ao «100% digital».

Note-se que as falências têm ocorrido numa série de bancos de depósito. Estes, são considerados «pequenos», em comparação com as 5 maiores instituições financeiras dos EUA: JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Freddie Mac, Bank of America, CITI Bank

Segundo Robert Kiyosaki, há a hipótese de tal cadeia de falências ter sido prevista e desejada. Houve um aumento brusco dos juros das obrigações e outros títulos de dívida, da parte da FED. Esta subida tem sido efetuada com o pretexto de domar a inflação. Mas, não é crível que a FED e o Tesouro dos EUA não tenham previsto que os bancos (justamente, os de depósito) que tinham como reserva principal «Treasuries» (obrigações soberanas dos EUA), não fossem muito impactados, alguns ficando mesmo insolventes. [Note-se que a subida dos juros nas obrigações, significa a diminuição do seu valor.]

Uma grande parte do dinheiro depositado nestes bancos, já voou para os 5 grandes bancos de negócios (ditos «Too Big to Fail») - sobretudo o dinheiro de clientes empresas/negócios, que tinham lá somas acima do limite de cobertura do FDIC. Esta instituição garante os depósitos até 250.000 dólares, mas não dispõe senão do necessário para cobrir 0 .05% do cash presente nos bancos dos EUA, que está dentro dos limite acima indicado.

Conclusão: Estão a fazer com que o mundo ocidental sofra uma enorme crise, porque temem que se forem introduzir o dinheiro digital (CBDC) «devagar, suavemente», aconteça uma rejeição semelhante à da Nigéria.

Agora, esta onda de choque provocada (Shock and Awe), vai ter implicações muito graves no continente europeu (e eles sabem-no). Note-se que a dimensão dos bancos deste lado do Atlântico é muito menor, só alguns bancos europeus fazem parte da tabela dos 100 maiores bancos.

Portanto, se a derrocada de bancos continuar com os pequenos ou médios bancos de depósitos na Europa, não será caso para surpresa. Além de estarem todos interconectados, é um facto que o ECB tem feito uma política muito parecida à da FED

Para os globalistas, não será um problema, pois faz parte dos seus planos: Eles querem que a Europa fique de rastos para aceitar qualquer boia de salvação lançada pelo FMI, Banco Mundial, BIS, etc.

Neste processo, compreende-se que a concorrência entre capitalistas, não é apenas de «Ocidentais» contra «Orientais». Desde há bastante tempo, os governos europeus e a Comissão Europeia, têm aceite o papel de vassalos, face aos interesses do «hegemon». Esta postura de subserviência constata-se em todas as organizações regionais e internacionais: Sem dúvida a OTAN , mas igualmente instituições globalistas como BIS, OMS, OCDE, etc.

Este jogo revela-se agora como duma «demolição controlada» do edifício monetário e financeiro «global». Destina-se a obter ainda maiores fatias de poder. Isso vai implicar obter a resignação e a anuência das populações, por medo.



ATUALIZAÇÃO 1: Durante o fim-de-semana foi negociada a compra, por 3 mil milhares de dólares, do Crédit Suisse pelo banco (Suiço) UBS, com apoio da BNS (Banco Central da Suiça) que fez um empréstimo de garantia de 100 mil milhares de dólares. Ver em: 

quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2023


[O original deste artigo foi publicado a 10 de Maio de 2022]

Há 77 anos, a Alemanha rendeu-se às forças aliadas, finalmente encerrando a devastação da Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Hoje, enquanto o mundo celebra o 77º aniversário desta vitória, por que não pensar seriamente em finalmente vencer aquela guerra, de uma vez por todas?

Se você está confuso com esta afirmação, talvez seja melhor sentar-se e respirar fundo antes de continuar lendo. Nos próximos 12 minutos, você provavelmente descobrirá um fato perturbador que pode assustá-lo um pouco: Os aliados nunca venceram a Segunda Guerra Mundial…
Agora, por favor, não me interpretem mal. Estou eternamente grato pelas almas imortais que deram suas vidas para derrubar a máquina fascista durante aqueles anos sombrios... Mas, de facto, alguma coisa não foi resolvida a 9 de Maio de 1945, e isso tem a ver com o lento ressurgimento de uma nova forma de fascismo durante a segunda metade do século XX e o perigo renovado de uma ditadura global, que o mundo enfrenta novamente hoje.
É minha opinião que somente quando encontrarmos coragem em realmente olhar para este problema com olhos sóbrios, seremos capazes de honrar verdadeiramente nossos corajosos antepassados ​​que dedicaram suas vidas a conquistar a paz para seus filhos, netos e a humanidade. amplamente.

A verdade feia da Segunda Guerra Mundial

Vou parar os rodeios agora e apenas dizer: Adolph Hitler ou Benito Mussolini nunca foram  "donos de si próprios”.

[tradução automática no próprio site: AQUI]

The machines they led were never fully under their sovereign control and the financing they used as fuel in their effort to dominate the world did not come from the Banks of Italy or Germany. The technologies they used in petrochemicals, rubber, and computing didn’t come from Germany or Italy, and the governing scientific ideology of eugenics that drove so many of the horrors of Germany’s racial purification practices never originated in the minds of German thinkers or from German institutions.

Were it not for a powerful network of financiers and industrialists of the 1920s-1940s with names such as Rockefeller, Warburg, Montague Norman, Osborn, Morgan, Harriman or Dulles, then it can safely be said that fascism would never have been possible as a “solution” to the economic woes of the post-WWI order. To prove this point, let us take the strange case of Prescott Bush as a useful entry point.

The patriarch of the same Bush dynasty that gave the world two disastrous American presidents made a name for himself funding Nazism alongside his business partners Averell Harrimen and Averell’s younger brother E. Roland Harriman (the latter who was to recruit Prescott to Skull and Bones while both were studying at Yale).

Not only did Prescott, acting as director of Brown Brothers Harriman, provide valuable loans to keep the bankrupt Nazi party afloat during Hitler’s loss of support in 1932 when the German population voted into office the anti-Fascist General Kurt von Schleicher as Chancellor, but was even found guilty for “trading with the enemy” as director of Union Banking Corporation in 1942!

That’s right! Eleven months after America entered WWII, the Federal Government naturally conducted an investigation of all Nazi banking operations in the USA and wondered why Prescott continued to direct a bank which was so deeply enmeshed with Fritz Thyssen’s Bank voor Handel en Scheepvart of the Netherlands. Thyssen for those who are unaware is the German industrial magnate famous for writing the book “I Paid Hitler”. The bank itself was tied to a German combine called Steel Works of the German Steel Trust which controlled 50.8% of Nazi Germany’s pig iron, 41.4% of its universal plate, 38.5% of its galvanized steel, 45.5% of its pipes and 35% of its explosives. Under Vesting Order 248, the U.S. federal government seized all of Prescott’s properties on October 22, 1942.

The U.S.-German Steel combine was only one small part of a broader operation as Rockefeller’s Standard Oil had created a new international cartel alongside IG Farben (the fourth largest company in the world) in 1929 under the Young Plan.

Owen Young was a JP Morgan asset who headed General Electric and instituted a German debt repayment plan in 1928 that gave rise to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and consolidated an international cartel of industrialists and financiers on behalf of the City of London and Wall Street.

The largest of these cartels saw Henry Ford’s German operations merging with IG Farben, Dupont industries, Britain’s Shell and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. The 1928 cartel agreement also made it possible for Standard Oil to pass off all patents and technologies for the creation of synthetic gasoline from coal to IG Farben thus allowing Germany to rise from producing merely 300 000 tons of natural petroleum in 1934 to an incredible 6.5 million tons (85% of its total) during WWII! Had this patent/technology transfer not taken place, it is a fact that the modern mechanized warfare that characterized WWII could never have occurred.

Two years before the Young Plan began, JP Morgan had already given a $100 million loan to Mussolini’s newly established fascist regime in Italy- with Democratic Party kingmaker Thomas Lamont playing the role of Prescott Bush in Wall Street’s Italian operation. It wasn’t only JP Morgan who loved Mussolini’s brand of corporate fascism, but Time Magazine’s Henry Luce unapologetically gushed over Il Duce putting Mussolini on the cover of Time eight times between 1923 and 1943 while relentlessly promoting fascism as the “economic miracle solution for America” (which he also did in his other two magazines Fortune and Life).

Many desperate Americans, still traumatized from the long and painful depression begun in 1929, had increasingly embraced the poisonous idea that an American fascism would put food on the table and finally help them find work.

A few words should be said of Brown Brothers Harriman.
Bush’s Nazi bank itself was the product of an earlier 1931 merger which took place between Montagu Norman’s family bank (Brown Brothers) and Harriman, Bush and Co. Montague Norman was the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944, leader of the Anglo-German Fellowship Trust and controller of Germany’s Hjalmar Schacht (Reichsbank president from 1923-1930 and Minister of Economy from 1934-1937). Norman was also the primary controller of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) from its creation in 1930 throughout the entirety of WWII.

The Central Bank of Central Banks

Although the BIS was established under the Young Plan and nominally steered by Schacht as a mechanism for debt repayments from WWI, the Swiss-based “Central Bank of Central Banks” was the key mechanism for international financiers to fund the Nazi machine.
The fact that the BIS was under the total control of Montagu Norman was revealed by Dutch Central Banker Johan Beyen who said 

“Norman’s prestige was overwhelming. As the apostle of central bank cooperation, he made the central banker into a kind of arch-priest of monetary religion. The BIS was, in fact, his creation.”
The founding members of the Board included the private central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Belgium as well as a coterie of 3 private American banks (JP Morgan, First National of Chicago, and First National of New York). The three American banks merged after the war and are today known as Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase.
In its founding constitution, the BIS, its directors and staff were given immunity from all sovereign national laws and not even authorities in Switzerland were permitted to enter its premises.
This story was conveyed powerfully in the 2013 book Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World.

A Word on Eugenics

Nazi support in the build up to, and during WWII didn’t end with finance and industrial might, but extended to the governing scientific ideology of the Third Reich: Eugenics (aka: the science of Social Darwinism as developed by Thomas Huxley’s X Club associate Herbert Spencer and Darwin’s cousin sir Francis Galton decades earlier). In 1932, New York hosted the Third Eugenics Conference co-sponsored by William Draper Jr (JP Morgan banker, head of General Motors and leading figure of Dillon Read and co) and the Harriman family. This conference brought together leading eugenicists from around the world who came to study America’s successful application of eugenics laws which had begun in 1907 under the enthusiastic patronage of Theodore Roosevelt. Hiding behind the respectable veneer of “science” these high priests of science discussed the new age of “directed evolution of man” which would soon be made possible under a global scientific dictatorship.
Speaking at the conference, leading British Fascist Fairfield Osborn said that eugenics:
“aids and encourages the survival and multiplication of the fittest; indirectly, it would check and discourage the multiplication of the unfitted. As to the latter, in the United States alone, it is widely recognized that there are millions of people who are acting as dragnets or sheet anchors on the progress of the ship of state…While some highly competent people are unemployed, the mass of unemployment is among the less competent, who are first selected for suspension, while the few highly competent people are retained because they are still indispensable. In nature, these less-fitted individuals would gradually disappear, but in civilization, we are keeping them in the community in the hopes that in brighter days, they may all find employment. This is only another instance of humane civilization going directly against the order of nature and encouraging the survival of the un-fittest”.

The dark days of the great depression were good years for bigotry and ignorance as eugenics laws were applied to two Canadian provinces, and widely spread across Europe and America with 30 U.S. states applying eugenics laws to sterilize the unfit. The Rockefeller Foundation went on to fund German eugenics and most specifically the rising star of human improvement Joseph Mengele.

The Nazi Frankenstein Monster is Aborted

Describing his January 29, 1935 meeting with Hitler, Round Table controller Lord Lothian quoted the Fuhrer’s vision for Aryan co-direction of the New World Order saying:

“Germany, England, France, Italy, America and Scandinavia … should arrive at some agreement whereby they would prevent their nationals from assisting in the industrializing of countries such as China, and India. It is suicidal to promote the establishment in the agricultural countries of Asia of manufacturing industries”

While it is obvious that much more can be said on the topic, the Fascist machine didn’t fully behave the way the Dr. Frankensteins in London wished, as Hitler began to realize that his powerful military machine gave Germany the power to lead the New World Order rather than play second fiddle as mere enforcers on behalf of their Anglo masters in Britain. While many London and Wall Street oligarchs were willing to adapt to this new reality, a decision was made to abort the plan, and try to fight another day.

To accomplish this, a scandal was concocted to justify the abdication of pro-Nazi King Edward VIII in 1936 and an appeasing Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was replaced with Winston Churchill in 1940. While Sir Winston was a life long racist, eugenicist and even Mussolini-admirer, he was first and foremost a devout British Imperialist and as such would fight tooth and nail to save the prestige of the Empire if it were threatened. Which he did.

The Fascists vs Franklin Roosevelt

Within America itself, the pro-fascist Wall Street establishment had been loosing a war that began the day anti-fascist President Franklin Roosevelt was elected in 1932. Not only had their attempted February 1933 assassination failed, their 1934 coup d’etat plans were also thwarted by a patriotic General named Smedley Butler.
To make matters worse, their efforts to keep America out of the war in the hopes of co-leading the New World Order alongside Germany, France and Italy was also falling apart. As I outlined in my recent article How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship, between 1933-1939, FDR had imposed sweeping reforms on the banking sector, thwarted a major attempt to create a global Bankers’ dictatorship under the Bank of International Settlements, and mobilized a broad recovery under the New Deal.

By 1941, Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor polarized the American psyche so deeply that resisting America’s entry into WWII as Wall Street’s American Liberty League had been doing up until then, became political suicide. Wall Street’s corporatist organizations were called out by FDR during a powerful 1938 speech as the president reminded the Congress of the true nature of fascism:

“The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism – ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power… Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing. This concentration is seriously impairing the economic effectiveness of private enterprise as a way of providing employment for labor and capital and as a way of assuring a more equitable distribution of income and earnings among the people of the nation as a whole.”

While America’s entry into WWII proved a decisive factor in the destruction of the fascist machine, the dream shared by Franklin Roosevelt, Henry Wallace and many of FDR’s closest allies across America, Canada, Europe, China and Russia for a world governed by large-scale development, and win-win cooperation did not come to pass.

Even though FDR’s ally Harry Dexter White led in the fight to shut down the Bank of International Settlements during the July 1944 Bretton Woods conference, the passage of White’s resolutions to dissolve BIS and audit its books were never put into action.

While White, who was to become the first head of the IMF, defended FDR’s program to create a new anti-imperial system of finance, Fabian Society leader, and devout eugenicist John Maynard Keynes defended the Bank and pushed instead to redefine the post-war system around a one world currency called the Bancor, controlled by the Bank of England and BIS.

The Fascist Resurgence in the Post-War World

By the end of 1945, the Truman Doctrine and Anglo-American “special relationship” replaced FDR’s anti-colonial vision, while an anti-communist witch hunt turned America into a fascist police state under FBI surveillance. Everyone friendly to Russia was targeted for destruction and the first to feel that targeting were FDR’s close allies Henry Wallace and Harry Dexter White, whose untimely 1948 death while campaigning for Wallace’s presidential bid put an end to anti-colonialists running the IMF.

In the decades after WWII, those same financiers who brought the world fascism went straight back to work infiltrating FDR’s Bretton Woods Institutions such as the IMF and World Bank, turning them from tools of development, into tools of enslavement. This process was fully exposed in the 2004 book Confessions of an Economic Hit man by John Perkins.

The European banking houses representing the old nobility of the empire continued through this reconquering of the west without punishment. By 1971, the man whom Perkins exposed as the chief economic hit man George Schultz, orchestrated the removal of the U.S. dollar from the Gold-reserve, fixed exchange rate system director of the Office of Management of Budget and in the same year, the Rothschild Inter-Alpha Group of banks was created to usher in a new age of globalization. This 1971 floating of the dollar ushered in a new paradigm of consumerism, post-industrialism, and de-regulation which transformed the once productive western nations into speculative “post-truth” basket cases convinced that casino principles, bubbles and windmills were substitutes for agro-industrial economic practices.

So here we are in 2022 celebrating victory over fascism.

The children and grandchildren of those heroes of 1945 now find themselves attached to the biggest financial collapse in history with $1.5 quadrillion of fictitious capital ripe to explode under a new global hyperinflation akin to that which destroyed Weimar in 1923, but this time global. The Bank of International Settlements that should have been dissolved in 1945 today controls the Financial Stability Board and thus regulates the world derivatives trade which has become the weapon of mass destruction that has been triggered to unleash more chaos upon the world than Hitler could have ever dreamed.

Is the anti-fascist spirit of Franklin Roosevelt alive in the form of modern anti-imperialism including Russia and China and a growing array of nations united under the umbrella of the New Deal of the 21st Century which has come to be called the “Belt and Road Initiative”.

And thus a chance still exists today to take the types of emergency actions needed at this moment of existential crisis and finally accomplish what FDR had always intended: to win World War II.

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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, The Canadian Patriot.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation.

The Clash of the Two Americas
Vol. 1 & 2
by Matthew Ehret

In his new two volume series The Clash of the Two Americas, Matthew Ehret introduces a new analysis of American history from the vantage point that the globally-extended supranational shadow government that managed the British Empire was never fully defeated and has acted within the USA itself since 1776 as a continuous multi-generational fifth column managing every significant event and assassination of American presidents for the next 250 years.
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Matthew Ehret-Kump, Global Research, 2023

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2023



Veja o artigo abaixo, escrito por Egon von Greyerz, alguém com um profundo conhecimento dos mercados e que tem um grande realismo. Ele não esconde o seu pessimismo, pois, de facto, a paisagem político-económica global é muito escura!



Fragility has probably never been greater in history. Just three words encapsulate the destiny of the world.

The THREE words are: WAR, DEBT, ENERGY

A FOURTH word will financially save the ones who understand its significance. It will also play a major role in the world’s future monetary system. The word is obviously GOLD. As the world moves from a fragile debt based Western system to a commodity and energy based system in the East and South, gold will assume a strategic role in the monetary system.


War is obviously a potentially catastrophic threat since the sheer existence of the world and mankind is now at maximum risk. Wars are horrible whoever starts them. Since the beginning of mankind there have probably been over 100,000 important wars and conflicts.

Wars are horrible whoever starts them. Most wars end in major fatalities and injuries and a massive human and financial cost. And at the end of the war, the situation is often worse than when it started, like in for example Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq and Libya which countries the US invaded unprovoked. The same will most probably be the case in Ukraine.

There are always two sides to a war. I learnt many years ago that before we judge someone, we must walk three moon laps in his moccasins.

So let us first walk in Putin’s moccasins.

The whole West hates Russia and have personalised it to Putin. Few realise that many of the people behind Putin are extreme hardliners and much more dangerous. Historically, Ukraine (like many European countries) has had a motley existence. Since the late 1700s to 1991 Ukraine was part of Russia / Soviet Union with a brief interruption after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.

After the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine in 2014, the Minsk agreement brokered by Germany and France stipulated that parts of the Donbas region should be granted self-government. There should also be a ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons by the Ukrainians. The Minsk agreement was never honoured and Ukraine continued to kill over 20,000 Russians in the region and to bomb the Donbas. As the bombing intensified in early February 2022, (allegedly at the insistence of the US), Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

So the above is how Russia and Putin sees the Ukrainian situation.

Wearing America’s moccasins, the US Neocons are extremely worried about losing the US hegemony. Since WWII, the US has basically failed with every war they have been involved in. But in their view, if they fail in the present conflict, that will be the end of US  dominance both politically and financially.

Ukraine is clearly just a pawn in a much bigger game between the two titans – USA and Russia. 

I watched Zelensky’s latest speech live to UK parliamentarians where he was begging for planes, weapons and money. This is obviously the role of a defending leader although he is clearly sacrificing hi people.

But wars are really really bizarre. Clapping every sentence that Zelensky uttered about the evil Russian invaders were around 1,000 politicians whose British ancestors, over a 400 year period, had invaded, conquered and ruled over 400 million people and 25% of the world’s landmass including major parts of Asia, Australia, Africa, Middle East and America. But today the shoe is on the other foot.

Politicians are masters at throwing stones whilst sitting in glass houses.

But wars are always about CONSEQUENCES. It is clearat this pointthat the West is sadly ignoring the potential consequences of this war as they keep sending money and weapons but no peace makers. The US has no desire for peace at this stage and Europe just follows blindly whatever the US initiates without thinking of the consequences which both economically and militarily are much graver for Europe.

Zelensky has asked for tanks and is getting them. He is now asking for planes which the NATO countries are also considering. There are not yet any NATO troops in Ukraine officially but it is clear that there are many NATO soldiers there without the official uniforms. An Austrian colonel confirms that if a NATO solider takes off his uniform, he is a mercenary and this seems how NATO sends troops to Ukraine unofficially. Also the Mozart group led by a retired US Marine Corps Colonel  acts in Ukraine as mercenaries.

So what is clear that there are not only NATO weapons in Ukraine but also soldiers. This by definition is as close to WWIII as the world can get.

It seems very unlikely that Russia will lose this war with their military superiority. Even with major additional help from NATO, Ukraine is unlikely to stand a chance.

If NATO decides to escalate the war with major troops and equipment, not only Russia will respond strongly but possibly also China and maybe India and Korea.

But there are clearly only losers in a nuclear war.

If that happens, major parts of the world and population will be gone and we won’t have to worry about deficits and debts or stocks and gold.

Let’s hope that world leaders and the ones pulling their strings come to their senses.


According to Genesis in the Bible, Nimrod (grandson of Noah) built the Tower of Babel. The Babylonians desire was to make it “with its top in the heavens”. But god punished them for this deed, stopped the construction and scattered the people all around the world. Before that point spoke the same language but thereafter they all spoke different languages so they couldn’t understand each other.

Since then Central Bankers have built themselves towers or structures which haven’t quite reached heaven but both their aspirations and the money they have printed probably have.

What will pull these buildings down will probably not be the wrath of god but the wrath of the people as they realise that these monuments are a sign of bankers’ hubris based on fake money. And this fake money has not just built grandiose buildings like the Bank of International Settlement – BIS – tower in Babel Basel or the Eccles building that houses the FED in Washington.

No, fake money has also built astounding wealth for the top few percent of wealthy people and impoverished the rest.


The French Revolution in the late 18th century or the Russian Revolution in 1917 were caused by significantly smaller differences between the rich and the poor than today.

The poverty & famine which many people in the world are already experiencing will in coming years/decades likely cause social unrest and revolutions on a major scale. In the last quarter, civil unrest rose in over 100 countries and more than 30 countries are currently at war. A collapse of the financial system which is less stable than a House of Cards will obviously exacerbate the situation and could easily cause major upheaval in many parts of the world.


As I have outlined in many articles, these towers mentioned above have been instrumental in creating a global debt bubble of $300 trillion plus derivatives and unfunded liabilities of around $2 quadrillion, most of which will turn into debt in the next decade or less.


So even if the world can avoid a major nuclear war,  it is likely to suffer massive repercussions from the financial calamity coming next.

As Gandhi said:



To create $2.3 quadrillion of global liabilities has nothing to do with man’s need but only with the greed of a few at the expense of mankind.

When the nuclear financial bubble bursts in the next few years, we will see an implosion of asset prices in real terms by 75-90% as I have outlined in many articles like here. LINK

In my article “IN THE END THE $ GOES TO ZERO AND THE US DEFAULTS” , LINK, I also explain that “there is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion” as von Mises stated.

So even if the world survives the threat of a nuclear war, a collapse of the financial system is absolutely inevitable. The greed and the adoration of the golden calf that some parts of the world have practised in the last 50 years, will not go unpunished.

This major transformation coming will be like a financial nuclear event. After a difficult transition, the world will not only come out of it with a much sounder foundation but also based on much better human values than currently.


As the world moves from a debt based and fake money system to a much sounder one, resting on real values, especially energy and other commodities, the balance of power will continuously shift from West to East and South.

I outlined in this article, the decline of the West and the rise of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa),  the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the Eurasia Economic Union.

The final move down of the dollar is likely to involve a US default even though the US hubris will prevent them from using that word. It will instead be called a reset but the whole world will know that this disorderly reset will involve the US currency having lost all of its value.

The Fed will obviously invent a new digital currency that the rest of the world should not touch with a barge pole. Remember that the dollar, like most currencies, has already lost 98% since 1971. But the final 2% fall represents a 100% fall from today.

Throughout history the same total destruction has happened to every currency. Hubristic governments and central bankers clearly deserve this punishment. But sadly it is always the undeserved people who will suffer the most.


Another major economic crisis for the world is the contracting energy system.

The world economy is driven by energy. Without sufficient energy the living standards would decline dramatically. Currently fossil fuels account for 83% of the world’s energy. The heavy dependence on fossil fuels is unlikely to change in the next few decades.

The scale shows billion tonnes of oil equivalent energy.

As the graph shows, the energy derived from fossil fuels has declined for the last few years. This trend will accelerate over the next 20+ years as the availability of fossil fuels decline and the cost increases. The economic cost of producing energy has gone up 5X since 1980.

What very few people realise is that the world’s prosperity does not improve with more debt but with more and cheaper energy.

But sadly as the graph above shows, energy production is going to decline for at least 20 years.

Less energy means lower prosperity for the world. And remember that this is in addition to a major decline in prosperity due to the implosion of the financial system and asset values.

The graph above shows that energy from fossil fuels will decline by 18% between 2021 and 2040. But although Wind & Solar will proportionally increase, it will in no way compensate for the fall in fossil fuels. For renewable energy to make up the difference, it would need to increase by 900% with an investment exceeding $100 trillion.  This is highly unlikely since the production of Wind & Solar are heavily dependent on fossil fuels.

Another major problem is that there is no efficient method for storing Renewable energy.

Let’s just take the example of getting enough energy from batteries. The world’s largest battery factory is the Tesla Giga factory. The annual total output from this factory would produce 3 minutes of the annual US electricity demand. Even with 1,000 years of battery production, the batteries from this factory would produce only 2 days of US electricity demand.

So batteries will most probably not be a viable source of energy for decades especially since they need fossil fuels to be produced and charged.

Nuclear energy is the best available option today. But the time and cost of producing nuclear means that it will not be a viable alternative for decades. Also, many countries have stopped nuclear energy for political reasons. The graph above shows that nuclear and hydro will only increase very marginally in the next 20 years.

Of course the world wants to achieve cleaner and more efficient energy. But today we don’t have the means to produce this energy in quantity from anything but fossil fuels.

So stopping or reducing the production of fossil fuels, which is the desire of many politicians and climate activists, is guaranteed to substantially exacerbate the decline of the world economy.

We might get cleaner air but many would have to enjoy it in caves with little food or other  necessities and conveniences that we have today.

So what is clear is that the world is not prepared for even the best scenario energy case which entails a major decline in the standard to living in the next 20-30 years at least.


Digital currencies are the perfect means for controlling the people in a totalitarian world. It gives Big Brother total power in relation to the people’s money. They can be taxed, fined or directed by any whim of the government. This would include arbitrary taxation or confiscation.

Thus CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) are a total disaster in relation to personal freedom. But in many countries the serfs have already been trained for this. Take Sweden where cash hardly exists and credit cards are used for all spending, even buying a newspaper or a loaf of bread. Most shops don’t even accept cash.

Thus the placid Swedes would happily hand over control over their money to the government, totally oblivious of the consequences.

As a lover of freedom, I would hate to live under such circumstances even though I was born in Sweden and really like many aspects of this country.

The people will not have a vote on digital money in any country just like they have no say when their leaders start a war. Personally I would do everything to avoid such oppressive circumstances but I do realise that it would be difficult for most people. 

With the coming fall of the dollar and many other currencies, as well as the end of the petrodollar, gold is likely to play a major role in the monetary system dominated by the East and South.

With government spending out of control in most countries, gold is the only currency you can trust just as it has been for 1,000s of years.

The BRICS, with China, Russia and India as major gold countries, are likely to make gold an important part of the future monetary system.

Gold is not for investment or speculation.

Gold is insurance and wealth preservation.

Gold is saving and financial survival.

2023 is likely to be the year of gold. Both fundamentally and technically gold looks like it will make major up moves this year. Any correction must be used to accumulate. Much better to buy low than on breakouts.

But please buy only physical gold and store it in a safe jurisdiction away from kleptocratic governments.