quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2024


Original em : 


«A tentativa de assassínio de Donald Trump e sua resposta heroica ao acontecimento, estão bem presentes nas nossas mentes. Não sabemos ainda os detalhes sobre quem esteve envolvido na tentativa, embora eu suspeite que a tese do «pistoleiro solitário» irá revelar-se como falsa. Mas, o triste acontecimento oferece-nos a oportunidade de refletir sobre aquilo que nós sabemos e que pode bem ser relevante em relação ao atentado contra a vida do ex-presidente e que pensamos seja em breve o próximo. A CIA tem estado envolvida em numerosos casos de assassinato desde a sua criação.»


(continuação: texto original, em inglês, de Lew Rockwell)

One of these plots is especially important in current circumstances. The CIA is implicated in the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963. Jacob Hornberger has done a great deal of research on this topic and here is what he says. “Why would the CIA snuff out the life of President Kennedy? Because Kennedy was determined to snuff out the life of the CIA, which the CIA, not surprisingly, considered would be a grave threat to ‘national security.’ Kennedy also was determined to move America in a direction different from that of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, which they considered would result in a communist takeover of the United States. Worst of all, Kennedy was saying good things about Russia and establishing friendly and normal relations with both Russia and Cuba. In the eyes of the national-security establishment, what Kennedy was doing was not only cowardly incompetence that would result in a communist takeover of the United States, it also consisted of treason. We all know what happens to traitors

Thus, this was a war to the finish. If Kennedy lives, the CIA is put down, America makes friends with Russia and Cuba, and America’s militarist direction comes to an end. If Kennedy dies, the CIA survives and prospers, the never-ending hostility toward Russia and Cuba continues, and America’s militarist direction proceeds indefinitely. The die was cast, but Kennedy obviously proved to be no match for the overwhelming power of the national-security establishment.”

For the same reasons, the CIA killed President Kennedy’s brother, Robert Kennedy. After Lyndon Johnson withdrew from the presidential race in 1968, Kennedy was the odds-on favorite to become the next president. He blamed the CIA for his brother’s death and was determined to bring the agency to heel. For that reason, the CIA had to kill him. David Talbot, the author of Brothers, a book about President Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy, gives a vivid account: “As I write in my book Brothers, Robert Kennedy, who served as his brother’s attorney general and knew more about the dark side of American power than any other official of his day, was the first JFK conspiracy theorist. Journalist Jack Newfield, a close friend of RFK, told me: ‘With that amazing computer brain of his, he put it all together on the afternoon of November 22,’ the day in 1963 that President Kennedy was assassinated. Bobby Kennedy figured out that his brother was killed by CIA plotters, using members of the criminal underworld and Cuban exiles. As I reveal in Brothers, RFK planned to reopen the investigation into his brother’s murder if he had been elected president in 1968.

But, of course, Robert Kennedy himself was fatally shot on the night of June 5, 1968, after winning the California primary. My research led me to conclude that assassination was not carried out by Sirhan Sirhan, the man convicted of the crime, but by a shooter posing as one of the security guards charged with protecting RFK that night. (Los Angeles County coroner, Dr. Thomas Noguchi, who performed the autopsy on RFK, and key eyewitnesses also concluded Sirhan did not fire the fatal shot.) The armed ‘security force’ surrounding Bobby Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles was under the control of Robert Maheu, the CIA contractor (and Kennedy hater) charged with recruiting the Mafia to assassinate Fidel Castro.”

In fact, the list of CIA assassinations is amazingly long. Among the most famous were the repeated attempts to kill Fidel Castro, but there have been many more. The targeted killings proved so embarrassing to the US government that President Gerald Ford issued an Executive Order in 1976 banning them, but this simply made the CIA continue the killings under a new name. The agency has done extensive research into bizarre ways to “take people out.” A story in the British newspaper The Guardian gives a good account of the CIA’s malodorous activities: “The agency was forced to cut back on such killings after a US Senate investigation in the 1970s exposed the scale of its operations.

Following the investigation, then president Gerald Ford signed in 1976 an executive order stating: ‘No employee of the United States government shall engage in, or conspire in, political assassination.’ In spite of this, the US never totally abandoned the strategy, simply changing the terminology from assassination to targeted killings, from aerial bombing of presidents to drone attacks on alleged terrorist leaders. Aerial bomb attempts on leaders included Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi in 1986, Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic in 1999 and Iraqi president Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Earlier well-documented episodes include Congo’s first prime minister, Patrice Lumumba of Congo, judged by the US to be too close to close to Russia. In 1960, the CIA sent a scientist to kill him with a lethal virus, though this became unnecessary when he was removed from office in 1960 by other means. Other leaders targeted for assassination in the 1960s included the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, president Sukarno of Indonesia and president Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam.

In 1973, the CIA helped organise the overthrow of Chile’s president, Salvador Allende, deemed to be too left wing: he died on the day of the coup.

The US has developed much more sophisticated methods than polonium in a tea pot, especially in the fields of electronic and cyber warfare. A leaked document obtained by WikiLeaks and released earlier this year showed the CIA in October 2014 looking at hacking into car control systems. That ability could potentially allow an agent to stage a car crash.

Recent failed North Korean missile attempts – as well as major setbacks in Iran’s nuclear programme – have been blamed on direct or indirect planting of viruses in their computer systems.

It is a long way from the crude, albeit imaginative and eventually doomed, methods employed against Castro. The US admitted to eight assassination attempts on Castro, though the Cuban put the figure much higher, with one estimate in the hundreds. Castro said: ‘If surviving assassinations were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal.’” See this.

We don’t have to rely on outside observers to find out about the CIA. Victor Marchetti, a veteran CIA operative, wrote an important book, The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. He argued that intelligence gathering wasn’t the main function of the CIA. Its main activity was the secret subversion of governments and groups hostile to the “deep state.” Here is a summary of his analysis: “The CIA does not ‘function primarily as a central clearinghouse and producer of national intelligence for the government’. Its basic mission is ‘that of clandestine operations, particularly covert action—the secret intervention in the internal affairs of other nations. Nor was the Director of CIA a dominant—or much interested—figure in the direction and management of the intelligence community which he supposedly headed. Rather, his chief concern, like that of most of his predecessors and the agency’s current Director—was in overseeing the CIA’s clandestine activities.’

There is also the management of entrenched CIA businesses, which include looted and laundered trillions in secret bank accounts and shell companies, and the management of a vast network of CIA political assets throughout Washington and in the corporate world. While there may be CIA operatives and employees, including current and former veterans who do not support the criminal operations of the agency, these rank and file operatives have not dictated CIA policy since its creation. These ‘good guys’ are the minority, and their reform and whistleblowing efforts have largely been in vain and met with deadly force.”

Let’s do everything we can to get rid of the CIA, as the great Dr. Ron Paul has urged us to do.


Patrik Baab é entrevistado por Pascal Lottaz

Uma entrevista aprofundada, com um jornalista de terreno, que não poupa a media mainstream e sua subserviência ao capital. Por esta postura, ele tem pago um preço alto, mas tem a estima e admiração de homens e mulheres «com a espinha direita», sejam quais forem suas nações e ideologias. 

Abaixo, a mesma conversa, originalmente em alemão, com tradução falada em espanhol:

terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024


Os denisovanos, a misteriosa espécie descoberta numa gruta do Altai, Sibéria, conhecida pelo nome de Denisov (ou S. Diniz, em russo) foi a primeira espécie fóssil a ser identificada exclusivamente pela análise do ADN, num pequeno osso do dedo "mindinho" de uma adolescente. 
Segundo estimativa recente, esta espécie teria vivido entre 285 e 25 milhares de anos, sobrepondo-se este intervalo de existência, a grande parte da existência dos neandertais
Nos últimos anos, mais fósseis de denisovanos têm sido descobertos no planalto do Tibete. Muitos pensam que o «Dragon Man», descoberto recentemente no Norte da China, pertencia à mesma espécie.
Veja e oiça os dois documentários abaixo, sobre esta autêntica aventura científica, a descoberta e estudo dos denisovanos, espécie humana fóssil, cujo genoma está presente, em proporções que variam de 3 a 5%, no genoma dos humanos asiáticos contemporâneos.


segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2024

BIG MAMA THORNTON e o "RYTHM & BLUES" (Segundas-f. musicais nº 9)


                           Big Mama Thorton com John Lee Hooker: «Hound Dog
» (1964)

 Esta cantora é deveras original, sobretudo, pela força de sua expressão vocal. É também precursora nos anos 1950, do Rhythm & Blues. 
John Lee Hooker, Mama Thornton e outros, tocam harmónica noutra peça (Down Home Shakedown), gravada no seguimento da sessão de «Hound Dog». 

Muitos artistas de Rock e de Rhythm & Blues retomaram as canções de Big Mama: Elvis Presley (Hound Dog), Rolling Stones (Little Red Rooster), Janis Joplin (Ball N' Chain) e muitos mais...

Vale a pena explorar o reportório rico e variado de Big Mama Thornton: Existem muitos vídeos com gravações (em estúdio e ao vivo) e entrevistas sobre a sua vida e carreira. 

Note-se que o «Blues», vindo Sul agrícola e do delta do Mississípi, está na origem do «Rythm & Blues», mas também do «Soul», do «Rock» e também muito do Jazz foi aí buscar suas raízes. 

domingo, 14 de julho de 2024


Nós sabíamos da História do século XX, que a OTAN foi formada no início da guerra fria (o Pacto de Varsóvia formou-se em reação à chamada Aliança Atlântica). Sabíamos também que a OTAN, desde o início albergou ditaduras, nomeadamente a de Salazar, apesar de se apresentar como «aliança de países democráticos, face ao perigo totalitário vindo de leste e em particular, da URSS». Não ignorávamos também como acolheu favoravelmente sucessivos golpes antidemocráticos na Turquia e na Grécia.

Tem sido bastante divulgada ultimamente, a «operação Paperclip» pela qual os americanos «salvaram» , não apenas cientistas que trabalharam para o regime nazi, como Von Braun, também torcionários que foram ensinar as técnicas de interrogatórios à CIA e a ditaduras do cone sul da América e também na Escola da PIDE, em Portugal.

A desnazificação da Alemanha ficou inteiramente no papel, a Oeste. Não houve preocupação em limpar os quadros da função pública, da polícia, do exército, dos elementos comprometidos com o regime hitleriano e seus numerosos crimes contra os povos invadidos e contra o seu próprio povo.
A chamada «luta contra o comunismo» era a alegada justificação para todo este branqueamento. Mas, de facto, os responsáveis nazis reconvertidos em democratas foram imprimir um ódio visceral em várias gerações, contra tudo o que fosse soviético, russo ou comunista.

Em resumo, desde que fossem anti-soviéticos, anti-comunistas, tudo lhes era perdoado, tanto os crimes do passado, como os do presente. Tinham rédea livre para organizar células terroristas nos países da OTAN (como o grupo «Gládio» e seus crimes em Itália) para prevenir a mudança dos países ocidentais para o campo «vermelho».

Hoje, com os discursos histéricos e belicistas do secretário-geral da OTAN, Stoltenberg e de muitos membros, incluindo chefes de Estado e de governo, parece que recuámos 75 anos, à data da fundação da OTAN, que tinha declaradamente por missão «salvar o ocidente do perigo vermelho». É esse discurso rançoso e rancoroso que eles reciclaram há pouco tempo e nos impõem agora, para justificar a deriva belicista contra outras potências (Federação Russa, República Popular da China), que eles vêm como ameaças.

O psicopatas estão realmente presentes em todos os quadrantes e sectores, de todas as sociedades: Porém, acho que existe uma concentração perigosa no topo das hierarquias civis e militares dos países que enformam a OTAN. As pessoas são selecionadas para cargos de responsabilidade, sobretudo pela sua fidelidade a determinada ideologia - um aglomerado de posições pró-capitalistas e anti-socialistas, englobando traços de ódio a determinadas etnias - mais do que pelo seu valor e inteligência.

O caso do membro do Estado-maior de Hitler, Adolf Heusinger pode parecer uma exceção mas, de facto, ele é apenas um dos casos resultantes do branqueamento de pessoas com passado nazi, pela Alemanha ocidental e pela OTAN.

Transcrevo na íntegra a notícia do site «www.dispropaganda.com». Boas leituras.

Original em:

Mar 24, 2017

Adolf Heusinger and the Hitler - NATO connection.

General Adolf Heusinger was Adolf Hitler's Chief of the General Staff of the Army during World War II. With the outbreak of the Second World War Heusinger accompanied the German HQ field staff and assisted in the planning of operations in Poland, Denmark, Norway, and France and the Low Countries (coastal region in western Europe, consisting especially of the Netherlands and Belgium). He was promoted to colonel on August 1, 1940 and became chief of the Operationsabteilung in October 1940, making him number three in the Army planning hierarchy . In 1944 Heusinger assumed office as Chief of the General Staff of the Army. In this capacity, he attended the meeting at Adolf Hitler's Wolf's Lair on July 20, 1944, and was standing next to Hitler when the bomb planted by Claus von Stauffenberg exploded.

Heusinger (on the left) meeting with Hitler. After the war, this German war criminal, the man who helped Hitler plan and execute his invasion of neighboring countries, was not even put on trial, quite contrary he was allowed to take over the newly established West German army, the "Bundeswehr". This was not a unique event, but a very common phenomenon in post WW2 Western Germany. Nazi war criminals and people who supported and helped Hitler to carry the holocaust and other crimes against Humanity were never put on trial for their crimes against the Jews, the Poles, the Russians and the people of Europe, but instead were installed in top positions in the western German government, army, industry and western German society at large. Many former Nazis served in the new German military, media and government, attaining high offices. They also rebuilt western Germany, with the generous help of billions of dollars of US taxpayers money under the “Marshal Plan”, and became an integral and founding part of the “new” German elites which ended up ruling the “new” Germany, which was basically the same old Germany, just rebranded. In 1950, Heusinger became an advisor on military matters to Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany, and with the establishment of the West Germany Armed Forces (the "Bundeswehr") in 1955, Heusinger returned to military service, and was appointed as Generalleutnant (lieutenant general) on November 12, 1955. Shortly thereafter, in June 1957, Heusinger was promoted to full general and named the first Inspector General of the Bundeswehr ("Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr"), and served in that capacity until March 1961.

Adolf Heusinger as head of the West German army (1960)

In 1961, Heusinger was made the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (essentially he was NATO's chief of staff). He served in that capacity until 1964. So instead of facing trial and paying for the crimes he committed, this war criminal who personally signed orders to murder allied POW's during the war, this human trash that helped Hitler plan and carry out the atrocities and war crimes that the German army perpetuated in Europe and Russia, this psychopathic murderer was allowed to rebuild the West German army and later to become one of NATO's heads in Europe.
