A série de assassinatos (ou tentativas de) a que vimos assistindo e continuaremos a assistir, são operações da CIA, do MI6, doutros serviços da OTAN (+ Mossad de Israel + Serviços da Ucrânia), que contratam «homens de mão» para atentados terroristas. Desde 07 de Outubro de 23 assistimos a um horrível massacre contínuo de população inocente às mãos do exército IDF de Israel, cometendo crimes de guerra. Mas, também há uma multiplicação de atos de terrorismo contra alvos especiais, pelo «Grande Hegemon».

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2023




Veja o artigo abaixo, escrito por Egon von Greyerz, alguém com um profundo conhecimento dos mercados e que tem um grande realismo. Ele não esconde o seu pessimismo, pois, de facto, a paisagem político-económica global é muito escura!



Fragility has probably never been greater in history. Just three words encapsulate the destiny of the world.

The THREE words are: WAR, DEBT, ENERGY

A FOURTH word will financially save the ones who understand its significance. It will also play a major role in the world’s future monetary system. The word is obviously GOLD. As the world moves from a fragile debt based Western system to a commodity and energy based system in the East and South, gold will assume a strategic role in the monetary system.


War is obviously a potentially catastrophic threat since the sheer existence of the world and mankind is now at maximum risk. Wars are horrible whoever starts them. Since the beginning of mankind there have probably been over 100,000 important wars and conflicts.

Wars are horrible whoever starts them. Most wars end in major fatalities and injuries and a massive human and financial cost. And at the end of the war, the situation is often worse than when it started, like in for example Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq and Libya which countries the US invaded unprovoked. The same will most probably be the case in Ukraine.

There are always two sides to a war. I learnt many years ago that before we judge someone, we must walk three moon laps in his moccasins.

So let us first walk in Putin’s moccasins.

The whole West hates Russia and have personalised it to Putin. Few realise that many of the people behind Putin are extreme hardliners and much more dangerous. Historically, Ukraine (like many European countries) has had a motley existence. Since the late 1700s to 1991 Ukraine was part of Russia / Soviet Union with a brief interruption after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.

After the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine in 2014, the Minsk agreement brokered by Germany and France stipulated that parts of the Donbas region should be granted self-government. There should also be a ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons by the Ukrainians. The Minsk agreement was never honoured and Ukraine continued to kill over 20,000 Russians in the region and to bomb the Donbas. As the bombing intensified in early February 2022, (allegedly at the insistence of the US), Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

So the above is how Russia and Putin sees the Ukrainian situation.

Wearing America’s moccasins, the US Neocons are extremely worried about losing the US hegemony. Since WWII, the US has basically failed with every war they have been involved in. But in their view, if they fail in the present conflict, that will be the end of US  dominance both politically and financially.

Ukraine is clearly just a pawn in a much bigger game between the two titans – USA and Russia. 

I watched Zelensky’s latest speech live to UK parliamentarians where he was begging for planes, weapons and money. This is obviously the role of a defending leader although he is clearly sacrificing hi people.

But wars are really really bizarre. Clapping every sentence that Zelensky uttered about the evil Russian invaders were around 1,000 politicians whose British ancestors, over a 400 year period, had invaded, conquered and ruled over 400 million people and 25% of the world’s landmass including major parts of Asia, Australia, Africa, Middle East and America. But today the shoe is on the other foot.

Politicians are masters at throwing stones whilst sitting in glass houses.

But wars are always about CONSEQUENCES. It is clearat this pointthat the West is sadly ignoring the potential consequences of this war as they keep sending money and weapons but no peace makers. The US has no desire for peace at this stage and Europe just follows blindly whatever the US initiates without thinking of the consequences which both economically and militarily are much graver for Europe.

Zelensky has asked for tanks and is getting them. He is now asking for planes which the NATO countries are also considering. There are not yet any NATO troops in Ukraine officially but it is clear that there are many NATO soldiers there without the official uniforms. An Austrian colonel confirms that if a NATO solider takes off his uniform, he is a mercenary and this seems how NATO sends troops to Ukraine unofficially. Also the Mozart group led by a retired US Marine Corps Colonel  acts in Ukraine as mercenaries.

So what is clear that there are not only NATO weapons in Ukraine but also soldiers. This by definition is as close to WWIII as the world can get.

It seems very unlikely that Russia will lose this war with their military superiority. Even with major additional help from NATO, Ukraine is unlikely to stand a chance.

If NATO decides to escalate the war with major troops and equipment, not only Russia will respond strongly but possibly also China and maybe India and Korea.

But there are clearly only losers in a nuclear war.

If that happens, major parts of the world and population will be gone and we won’t have to worry about deficits and debts or stocks and gold.

Let’s hope that world leaders and the ones pulling their strings come to their senses.


According to Genesis in the Bible, Nimrod (grandson of Noah) built the Tower of Babel. The Babylonians desire was to make it “with its top in the heavens”. But god punished them for this deed, stopped the construction and scattered the people all around the world. Before that point spoke the same language but thereafter they all spoke different languages so they couldn’t understand each other.

Since then Central Bankers have built themselves towers or structures which haven’t quite reached heaven but both their aspirations and the money they have printed probably have.

What will pull these buildings down will probably not be the wrath of god but the wrath of the people as they realise that these monuments are a sign of bankers’ hubris based on fake money. And this fake money has not just built grandiose buildings like the Bank of International Settlement – BIS – tower in Babel Basel or the Eccles building that houses the FED in Washington.

No, fake money has also built astounding wealth for the top few percent of wealthy people and impoverished the rest.


The French Revolution in the late 18th century or the Russian Revolution in 1917 were caused by significantly smaller differences between the rich and the poor than today.

The poverty & famine which many people in the world are already experiencing will in coming years/decades likely cause social unrest and revolutions on a major scale. In the last quarter, civil unrest rose in over 100 countries and more than 30 countries are currently at war. A collapse of the financial system which is less stable than a House of Cards will obviously exacerbate the situation and could easily cause major upheaval in many parts of the world.


As I have outlined in many articles, these towers mentioned above have been instrumental in creating a global debt bubble of $300 trillion plus derivatives and unfunded liabilities of around $2 quadrillion, most of which will turn into debt in the next decade or less.


So even if the world can avoid a major nuclear war,  it is likely to suffer massive repercussions from the financial calamity coming next.

As Gandhi said:



To create $2.3 quadrillion of global liabilities has nothing to do with man’s need but only with the greed of a few at the expense of mankind.

When the nuclear financial bubble bursts in the next few years, we will see an implosion of asset prices in real terms by 75-90% as I have outlined in many articles like here. LINK

In my article “IN THE END THE $ GOES TO ZERO AND THE US DEFAULTS” , LINK, I also explain that “there is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion” as von Mises stated.

So even if the world survives the threat of a nuclear war, a collapse of the financial system is absolutely inevitable. The greed and the adoration of the golden calf that some parts of the world have practised in the last 50 years, will not go unpunished.

This major transformation coming will be like a financial nuclear event. After a difficult transition, the world will not only come out of it with a much sounder foundation but also based on much better human values than currently.


As the world moves from a debt based and fake money system to a much sounder one, resting on real values, especially energy and other commodities, the balance of power will continuously shift from West to East and South.

I outlined in this article, the decline of the West and the rise of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa),  the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and the Eurasia Economic Union.

The final move down of the dollar is likely to involve a US default even though the US hubris will prevent them from using that word. It will instead be called a reset but the whole world will know that this disorderly reset will involve the US currency having lost all of its value.

The Fed will obviously invent a new digital currency that the rest of the world should not touch with a barge pole. Remember that the dollar, like most currencies, has already lost 98% since 1971. But the final 2% fall represents a 100% fall from today.

Throughout history the same total destruction has happened to every currency. Hubristic governments and central bankers clearly deserve this punishment. But sadly it is always the undeserved people who will suffer the most.


Another major economic crisis for the world is the contracting energy system.

The world economy is driven by energy. Without sufficient energy the living standards would decline dramatically. Currently fossil fuels account for 83% of the world’s energy. The heavy dependence on fossil fuels is unlikely to change in the next few decades.

The scale shows billion tonnes of oil equivalent energy.

As the graph shows, the energy derived from fossil fuels has declined for the last few years. This trend will accelerate over the next 20+ years as the availability of fossil fuels decline and the cost increases. The economic cost of producing energy has gone up 5X since 1980.

What very few people realise is that the world’s prosperity does not improve with more debt but with more and cheaper energy.

But sadly as the graph above shows, energy production is going to decline for at least 20 years.

Less energy means lower prosperity for the world. And remember that this is in addition to a major decline in prosperity due to the implosion of the financial system and asset values.

The graph above shows that energy from fossil fuels will decline by 18% between 2021 and 2040. But although Wind & Solar will proportionally increase, it will in no way compensate for the fall in fossil fuels. For renewable energy to make up the difference, it would need to increase by 900% with an investment exceeding $100 trillion.  This is highly unlikely since the production of Wind & Solar are heavily dependent on fossil fuels.

Another major problem is that there is no efficient method for storing Renewable energy.

Let’s just take the example of getting enough energy from batteries. The world’s largest battery factory is the Tesla Giga factory. The annual total output from this factory would produce 3 minutes of the annual US electricity demand. Even with 1,000 years of battery production, the batteries from this factory would produce only 2 days of US electricity demand.

So batteries will most probably not be a viable source of energy for decades especially since they need fossil fuels to be produced and charged.

Nuclear energy is the best available option today. But the time and cost of producing nuclear means that it will not be a viable alternative for decades. Also, many countries have stopped nuclear energy for political reasons. The graph above shows that nuclear and hydro will only increase very marginally in the next 20 years.

Of course the world wants to achieve cleaner and more efficient energy. But today we don’t have the means to produce this energy in quantity from anything but fossil fuels.

So stopping or reducing the production of fossil fuels, which is the desire of many politicians and climate activists, is guaranteed to substantially exacerbate the decline of the world economy.

We might get cleaner air but many would have to enjoy it in caves with little food or other  necessities and conveniences that we have today.

So what is clear is that the world is not prepared for even the best scenario energy case which entails a major decline in the standard to living in the next 20-30 years at least.


Digital currencies are the perfect means for controlling the people in a totalitarian world. It gives Big Brother total power in relation to the people’s money. They can be taxed, fined or directed by any whim of the government. This would include arbitrary taxation or confiscation.

Thus CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) are a total disaster in relation to personal freedom. But in many countries the serfs have already been trained for this. Take Sweden where cash hardly exists and credit cards are used for all spending, even buying a newspaper or a loaf of bread. Most shops don’t even accept cash.

Thus the placid Swedes would happily hand over control over their money to the government, totally oblivious of the consequences.

As a lover of freedom, I would hate to live under such circumstances even though I was born in Sweden and really like many aspects of this country.

The people will not have a vote on digital money in any country just like they have no say when their leaders start a war. Personally I would do everything to avoid such oppressive circumstances but I do realise that it would be difficult for most people. 

With the coming fall of the dollar and many other currencies, as well as the end of the petrodollar, gold is likely to play a major role in the monetary system dominated by the East and South.

With government spending out of control in most countries, gold is the only currency you can trust just as it has been for 1,000s of years.

The BRICS, with China, Russia and India as major gold countries, are likely to make gold an important part of the future monetary system.

Gold is not for investment or speculation.

Gold is insurance and wealth preservation.

Gold is saving and financial survival.

2023 is likely to be the year of gold. Both fundamentally and technically gold looks like it will make major up moves this year. Any correction must be used to accumulate. Much better to buy low than on breakouts.

But please buy only physical gold and store it in a safe jurisdiction away from kleptocratic governments.

quinta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2023


 Podes baixar aqui a resposta da OTAN e dos EUA às propostas feitas no final do ano de 2021 pela Rússia, no que toca aos conflitos em curso - na altura - em particular, na Ucrânia e as ameaças que pairavam sobre a segurança da Rússia e de todos os europeus.

- Estes documentos são fugas de informação publicadas pelo jornal El País; estão escritos em inglês. Como podes verificar, têm agora um ano:



       Um diz: «a era glaciar está a acabar»; o outro responde «deve ser da nossa culpa»

A histeria do clima tem sido um ponto corrente de atenção social pelo menos desde os anos 1980. Nos passados 40 anos, os países ocidentais têm sido bombardeados incessantemente com propaganda alarmista e previsões de cataclismo ambiental. Muitas pessoas - durante os seus anos de formação enquanto crianças e adolescentes - têm sido doutrinadas com histórias de terror – Um mundo onde a subida do nível dos oceanos é de centenas de metros e onde as massas terrestres são engolidas pelas ondas. Um mundo onde as temperaturas, subindo exponencialmente, criam um desregulamento da meteorologia, enquanto milhões morrem devido a furacões, tornados, inundações e secas.  


Como muitos de nós sabemos agora, todas essas alertas acabaram por se revelar falsas. Os glaciares e as calotas de gelo polar nunca derreteram.  A terra não está recoberta pelos mares. A fome, hoje, é resultante de desastre económico, não de desastre ambiental. Entretanto, a maioria das espécies em risco não desapareceu do planeta. Mas os cientistas climáticos, arrebanhando biliões de dólares de financiamento dos seus governos e os «grupos de reflexão» globalistas, continuam a dizer que o Apocalipse Climático está a chegar; eles estiveram enganados durante 40 anos, mas nós deveríamos confiar neles, agora. O debate «está concluído» dizem eles e nós devemos confiar nos «peritos». 

 Mas onde está e evidência desta crise climática, de que cientistas bem financiados e ativistas continuam a falar? Onde estão os efeitos no clima? Podem-se ver os resultados bem tangíveis da crise económica, em curso; a inflação e os elevados preços, os consumidores debilitados, esgotando o saldo dos cartões de crédito; despedimentos em massa nas indústrias tecnológicas, que se alastram a outras áreas, etc. As pessoas estão a sofrer esta descida e podem testemunhar as consequências, para elas próprias. Se os indivíduos da seita climática devessem ser tomados a sério, eles teriam de mostrar alguma prova visível de que o aquecimento do clima global é real e uma ameaça a ter em conta.  

O problema surge quando eles não têm provas e, portanto, são obrigados a desonestamente relacionar qualquer acontecimento climático desfavorável com «mudança climática», enquanto forma de assustar o público. Vamos ver os dados de acontecimentos climáticos reais e ver se as supostamente perigosas emissões de dióxido de carbono devidas ao Homem estão de alguma forma a causar a calamidade climática. Os EUA são frequentemente citados como fonte de poluição pelo carbono (apesar de países como a China produzirem 30 % do carbono globalmente libertado para a atmosfera enquanto os EUA apenas produzem 14%). Vejamos qual é o registo de fenómenos climáticos nos EUA e ver se há sinais de catástrofe vindoura. Se o problema é global, então certamente seria visível no clima dos EUA, do mesmo modo que em qualquer outro país.  

Como estão os furacões? De cada vez que um furacão atinge a costa do Golfo, a media corporativa agita a mudança climática como sendo a sua causa. Mas, terá havido um aumento significativo de furacões nos EUA? Não, não houve tal aumento, de acordo com os dados de períodos longos. As tempestades têm-se formado a uma taxa consistente com o registo histórico. 


E quanto aos episódios de cheias? Tem havido mais inundações e rios a transbordar?  Não, tal não tem acontecido. As cheias não estão a acontecer a uma frequência superior ou com maior severidade hoje, do que o fizeram nas décadas passadas. Mesmo os cientistas do clima são forçados a admitir  que nos EUA e globalmente, os danos por inundações têm estado em declínio durante décadas.  Os dados sobre danos em proporção com o PIB mostram o seguinte:


Isto significa que estamos a enfrentar um aumento das condições de seca? Certamente, um aumento de temperatura global, causaria uma significativa diminuição da chuva? Não! Também não está a acontecer isto. As piores secas nos EUA ocorreram nos anos 1930 e nos anos 1950.

 Talvez se possa ver uma alteração significativa nos furacões e num clima agreste nas zonas do interior? Haverá mais mortes causadas por furacões hoje em relação a alguns anos atrás?  Não, tal não acontece. De facto, os furacões perigosos têm estado em declínio.  


A histeria da mudança climática baseia-se muitas vezes na teoria dos «pontos culminantes» como base para os seus argumentos.   Os dados oficiais de temperatura apenas são registados oficialmente desde a década de 1880, dando-nos uma pequena janela para visualizar o clima e comparar dados de hoje com os do passado. De acordo com o NOAA, as temperaturas globais subiram 1º C em 100 anos. Eles afirmam que chega um aumento de 1,5% para desencadear «um ponto culminante» originando eventos capazes de destruir a Terra tal como a conhecemos.  Não existem evidências para fundamentar a teoria do «ponto culminante», nem existe precedente histórico. Certamente não existe evidência na meteorologia e os céticos têm dificuldade em vislumbrar qualquer sinal de que haja uma catástrofe no horizonte.

A provarem algo, os dados provam que a emissão de carbono pelos humanos não tem efeito nos acontecimentos climáticos. Portanto, se estivermos no limiar duma aniquilação global pelo aquecimento, não será a indústria humana a causadora.  

A verdade é que o tema da mudança climática se tornou numa ideologia ou religião, uma extensão da deificação da Terra e seu culto, baseando-se em fé, em vez de factos. E, tal como uma fé religiosa, um culto do clima precisa duma mitologia de Apocalipse, uma imagem de fim do mundo, para manter os fiéis nas suas fileiras.  A cada década descobrem uma série de «estórias» da destruição inevitável, a não ser que sigamos as suas regras e nos ajoelhemos perante os seus desejos. É uma triste tentativa de cooptar a ciência como instrumento de fanatismo.         

Traduzido a partir de Zero Hedge:


quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2023



Hound Dog é um tema bem conhecido. Mas a sua origem é pouco conhecida. 

A criatividade de «Big Mama» Thornton cativou Elvis Presley nos seus primeiros anos como estrela ascendente do rock, tendo feito de «Hound Dog» um dos seus primeiros (e maiores) sucessos.

Neste mesmo vídeo acima, podemos assistir a um quinteto de harmónicas, com John Lee Hooker. Repare-se no papel de liderança de  Mama Thorton.

Ball N' Chain é um blues muito forte, escrito e interpretado por Big Mama. 

Mais tarde, foi interpretado por Etta James e por Janis Joplin, entre outros nomes famosos do blues e do rock.

terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2023


 A grande fábrica de consentimento ou consenso, começa aqui (ver imagem), onde são fabricadas e reunidas as peças dos «i-phones» e outros dispositivos móveis, estendendo-se numa complexa rede, aos quatro cantos do Mundo. 
Literalmente, são um emaranhado de cadeias ininterruptas, desde fornecedores de rede, aos influenciadores, aos media convencionais e aos ditos alternativos, aos propagandistas de todos os credos e confissões, aos censores  ao serviço de todos os governos e mega empresas, etc., etc. 
Toda esta panóplia industrial do século XXI, com inúmeras etapas e intervenientes,  destina-se a captar um cérebro, o teu, o nosso, o deles, para que ele esteja sempre disponível, graças ao perfeito mecanismo da adicção (sem droga química), para receber  24h/24h de condicionamento. 

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2023

WILD IS THE WIND - NINA SIMONE (Nova Iorque, 1964)



Love me, love me, love me, love meSay you doLet me fly awayWith youFor my love is likeThe windAnd wild is the windWild is the wind
Give me moreThan one caressSatisfy thisHungrinessLet the windBlow through your heartFor wild is the windWild is the wind
YouTouch meI hear the soundOf mandolinsYouKiss meWith your kissMy life beginsYou're spring to meAll thingsTo me
Don't you know you'reLife itself
Like a leaf clingsTo the treeOh my darling,Cling to meFor we're like creaturesOf the windWild is the windWild is the wind
YouTouch meI hear the soundOf mandolinsYouKiss meWith your kissMy life beginsYou're spring to meAll thingsTo me
Don't you know you'reLife itself
Like a leaf clingsTo the treeOh my darling,Cling to meFor we're like creaturesIn the windAnd wild is the windWild is the wind
Wild is the windWild is the windWild is the wind

(Autores:  Dimitri Tiomkin e Ned Washington)
Esta composição foi realizada para o filme com o mesmo nome, de 1957. Anna Magnani e Anthony Quinn eram os principais atores. Johnny Mathis é o primeiro interprete desta canção, que fez um duradouro sucesso (célebres intérpretes foram Nina Simone, David Bowie, etc.). A interpretação de Mathis mereceu-lhe um Óscar em 1958 pela melhor intervenção musical num filme.

GRACIAS A LA VIDA [Mercedes Sosa e Joan Baez, ao vivo]

 Violeta Parra compôs e gravou esta canção pouco tempo antes de se suicidar. É uma canção de gratidão por aquilo que a vida lhe trouxe. É a mais célebre cantora-autora do Chile e talvez da América Latina. Ela trabalhou a fundo, pesquisou e reapropriou a música popular. Seu legado está vivo em muitos corações, apesar de ter saído desta vida em 1967.

Mercedes Sosa e Joan Baez são herdeiras, em parte, da tradição iniciada por Violeta Parra.

Gracias a la vidaQue me ha dado tantoMe dio dos lucerosQue cuando los abroPerfecto distingoLo negro del blancoY en el alto cieloSu fondo estrelladoY en las multitudesEl hombre que yo amo
Gracias a la vidaQue me ha dado tantoMe ha dado el oídoQue en todo su anchoGraba noche y díaGrillos y canariosMartillos, turbinasLadridos, chubascosY la voz tan tiernaDe mi bien amado
Gracias a la vidaQue me ha dado tantoMe ha dado el sonidoY el abecedarioCon él las palabrasQue pienso y declaroMadre, amigo, hermanoY luz alumbrandoLa ruta del almaDel que estoy amando
Gracias a la vidaQue me ha dado tantoMe dio el corazónQue agita su marcoCuando miro el frutoDel cerebro humanoCuando miro al buenoTan lejos del maloCuando miro al fondoDe tus ojos claros
Gracias a la vidaQue me ha dado tantoMe ha dado la marchaDe mis pies cansadosCon ellos anduveCiudades y charcosPlayas y desiertosMontañas y llanosY la casa tuyaTu calle y tu patio
Gracias a la vidaQue me ha dado tantoMe ha dado la risaY me ha dado el llantoAsí yo distingoDicha de quebrantoLos dos materialesQue forman mi cantoY el canto de ustedesQue es mi mismo cantoY el canto de todosQue es mi propio cantoGracias a la vidaGracias a la vidaGracias a la vidaGracias a la vida