O «National Institutes of Health (NIH)», nos EUA recusa dar a público cerca de 2 500 páginas de investigações relacionadas com a decisão do National Toxicology Program (NTP) em cancelar a sua investigação sobre o efeito das radiações de telefones sem fio sobre a saúde humana, segundo investigação do «The Defender» (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/) de 25 Fev. 2025

domingo, 9 de março de 2025


Jonathan Cook: Reféns israelenses e o cessar-fogo

Há uma razão premente para manter nossa atenção focada na diretiva Hannibal, escreve Jonathan Cook. Ela se relaciona com o que está acontecendo agora.

Palestinos em Gaza em 29 de janeiro, após o cessar-fogo anunciado no início do mês. (Jaber Jehad Badwan, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

Por Jonathan Cook

Aqueles de nós que continuamos falando sobre o uso que Israel fez da chamada diretiva Hannibal em 7 de outubro de 2023 — na qual Israel matou seus próprios cidadãos para impedir que fossem capturados pelo Hamas — fomos difamados por desculpar os crimes do Hamas naquele dia.

Não é por isso que sinalizamos o problema.

Em parte, isso se deve ao fato de que algumas das imagens mais horripilantes de 7 de outubro, de corpos carbonizados e carros e casas destruídos em Israel — apresentadas como evidência de uma barbárie especial que é supostamente típica dos palestinos — foram quase certamente causadas por Israel invocando sua diretiva de terra arrasada naquele dia.

Essas imagens se tornaram centrais na onda de propaganda lançada por Israel e seus apologistas para justificar o massacre em massa de crianças de Gaza nos 17 meses seguintes.

Mas há também uma razão muito mais urgente e premente para manter nossa atenção focada no papel da diretiva de Hannibal. E ela se relaciona com o que está acontecendo agora.  

[O presidente Donald Trump emitiu ameaças militares sobre as consequências de não entregar reféns israelenses que, segundo o Hamas, se forem realizadas, violariam os termos do cessar-fogo .]

Israel e os EUA ainda estão aplicando a diretiva de Hannibal — contra os prisioneiros israelenses mantidos em Gaza. 

O ponto da diretiva sempre foi impedir que o inimigo pudesse usar reféns israelenses como alavanca para atrair Israel para negociações — principalmente para pressioná-lo a entregar qualquer um dos milhares de reféns palestinos que mantém em seus campos de prisão e tortura . Muitos deles nunca foram acusados ​​ou julgados.

Israel e os EUA nos dizem que precisam bombardear Gaza — no que equivale a um genocídio "plausível", de acordo com a mais alta corte do mundo — para forçar o Hamas a devolver os prisioneiros israelenses. Mas, na verdade, Israel e os EUA estão matando imprudentemente esses mesmos prisioneiros por meio de suas ações.

Why? So they don’t have to negotiate over a ceasefire. So they can carry on with the genocide, without pressure to deal with the fate of the Israelis held in Gaza.

“Bring Them Home” — a giant lights sign by artist Nadav Barnea at Charles Bronfman Auditorium, Heichal Hatarbut, Tel Aviv, Jan. 3, 2024. (Yossipik, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

It was exactly the same reckless approach on Oct. 7, when Israel showed it was indifferent as to whether Israelis lived or died so long as they weren’t taken captive.

[See: What We’re Not Hearing About Oct 7]

That’s why — in one instance we know about — the Israeli military fired into a home in Kibbutz Be’eri, knowing that there were a dozen or more Israelis inside, including children.

The army was completely indifferent as to whether those Israelis would be killed as a result. All but two were. Those witnesses are the main reason we know what really happened.

That’s why Israel’s Apache helicopters recklessly fired on hundreds of cars fleeing the Nova music festival, indifferent to whether the cars contained Hamas fighters or Israeli citizens.

Even the former defence minister, Yoav Gallant, admits the directive was invoked that day.

We’ll never know how many Israelis were killed – in part because Israel will never let us know. It’s even buried many of the destroyed cars to stop a forensic investigation.

But what we do know with certainty is that the Israeli military killed many Israelis on Oct. 7.

Western media have studiously refused to report on the issue of the Hannibal directive, even though it is all over the Israeli media. (See hereherehere and here.)

That is more than just a failure by Western media outlets. It is a crime against journalism — if not complicity in the genocide itself.

Western publics need to know that the Hannibal directive was invoked for a very simple reason: It is a crucial piece of information for assessing the credibility of Israeli and U.S. claims that they are trying to get the Israeli captives back alive and to properly weigh Israel’s motives in returning to the genocide in Gaza.

Notice how, in Trump’s latest deranged tweet, he accuses Hamas of “murdering” the Israelis held in Gaza. That’s pure, Israeli-inspired disinformation.

It is clear that most, if not all, of the dead captives were killed not by their Hamas captors but by Israel’s massive, reckless 15-month bombardment of the tiny territory of Gaza. That same bombardment, the equivalent of six Hiroshimas, has leveled Gaza and killed many tens of thousands — maybe hundreds of thousands — of Palestinians.

Why is Trump so eager to misdirect us?

Because he wants to win our support for Israel’s continuation of its slaughter of the people of Gaza and justify his own decision to supply, as his predecessor did, the weapons needed to continue that genocide.

After all, Trump makes his own genocidal intent expressly clear in addressing “the people of Gaza” and telling them that they will all be “DEAD” if the Israeli captives aren’t handed over. Yet “the people of Gaza” have no control over whether the captives are released.

Notice too that Trump calls Hamas “sick and twisted” for holding on to the bodies of dead Israeli captives, even though it is Israel that is violating the ceasefire agreement that would see those bodies returned.

This has become a further rationalisation by Israel and the U.S. for killing “the people of Gaza.” But Hamas learnt the value of using dead bodies as bargaining chips directly from Israel.

For years, the Israeli government has had a policy of refusing to return to their families the corpses of those Palestinians it has killed, including while in its torture camps. This violation of international law long predates Oct. 7. The Israeli courts have repeatedly approved the policy, accepting the government’s view that the bodies should be held as “bargaining chips.” It gave its backing again in January.

So if Hamas is “sick and twisted,” it is only because Israel is even more sick and twisted. If Trump thinks the people of Gaza deserve a genocide because of their leaders’ “sick and twisted” decisions, should he not be consistent and argue that the people of Israel deserve a similar fate for their own leaders’ “sick and twisted” decisions?

A campaign of lies and disinformation have helped to shred international law over the past year and half. And one of the biggest lies is the pretence that, in slaughtering Gaza’s children, Israel has been acting in the interests of Israelis held in the enclave.

Jonathan Cook is an award-winning British journalist. He was based in Nazareth, Israel, for 20 years. He returned to the U.K. in 2021. He is the author of three books on the Israel-Palestine conflict: Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish State (2006), Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East (2008) and Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair (2008). If you appreciate his articles, please consider offering your financial support

This article is from the author’s blog, Jonathan Cook.net.

The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.

sábado, 8 de março de 2025

#SolutionsWatch : James CORBETT "THE WHITE PILL"


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There are people out there trying to get you to swallow the black pill. They say you are weak, powerless and pathetic and that your only power is to select which oligarchs will rule over you. Today, James Corbett and friends deliver the white pill truth: that you are powerful, that you are important and that you can take actions that will change the world for the better.

Don’t miss this important, star-studded edition of #SolutionsWatch on how to ditch the whole black/blue/white/red pill paradigm and achieve positive change in the real world.

Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.

Governos das oligarquias servem-nos treta da «austeridade» para fazer passar o rearmamento

Um artigo que devíamos ler pausadamente, para compreender a profundidade da traição das elites, incluindo do país que tem liderado a U€  - a Alemanha de Merkel e de  Scholz!

[...] And there we have it in the last paragraph, Europe must become like the US. An imperial power with outsized defence spending and downsized social spending - all because of “big bad Russia”. War spending good, oligarch war profiteering good, social spending bad, taxes on rich people bad. While the US becomes more like Milei’s Argentina. [...]

Ver também a entrevista de Glenn Diesen com Rachel Blevin

Glenn Diesen’s Substack

sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2025



Essencial, esta conversa. 

Chas Freeman dá conta da enorme falha do Ocidente a vários níveis... Diplomático, informação, conhecimento das condições do terreno, ilusões de toda a espécie apenas explicáveis pela húbris dos líderes ocidentais... e muito mais!



Leia, em complemento, a visão realista de Thierry Meyssan sobre o cataclismo que se abateu sobre a  OTAN, a U.€. e todo o edifício neoliberal. Há momentos irreversíveis na História.


 Nota: o coro canta «We'll meet again...»

quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2025



Escolhi 50 canções, de grandes compositores / interpretes, de várias épocas da Canção Francesa (francófona). Espero que apreciem muitas delas. Valem a pena também pela qualidade das letras! 

                                PLAYLIST CHANSONS FRANÇAISES

[jornal popular MUDAR DE VIDA] O TAMANHO DA DERROTA (por Manuel Raposo)


                                      Foto: Tratados como inúteis pela nova gerência de Washington

O tamanho da derrota

«Tudo se torna mais simples de entender se admitirmos o seguinte: o imperialismo perdeu a guerra na Ucrânia. Todos os propósitos amplamente anunciados pela equipa de Biden que a Europa seguiu cegamente - desgastar militarmente a Rússia, arruiná-la economicamente, isolá-la do resto do mundo, derrubar o regime para abrir portas a uma segunda era Ieltsin -  fracassaram.»

segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2025

sábado, 1 de março de 2025




 Marching Along: What’s Happening at CODEPINK

Jasmine & Grace, CODEPINK 

15:06 (il y a 2 heures)


Women's History Month at CODEPINK!

Welcome to March at CODEPINK! This month, as we celebrate International Working Women’s Day, we invite you to reflect on the revolutionary women who have paved the way for our movements today. As reproductive justice and trans healthcare are under attack domestically and the U.S. continues to arm conflicts abroad, we stand in solidarity with the working women of the world, who deserve a life free from harm. 

👇☮️ Join us this month for a full slate of webinars, mobilizations, and ways to plug into your local IWWD actions!

Onward toward peace and justice,
Jasmine, Grace and the entire CODEPINK team

PS: Sign up to organize with us and we will reach out to you for a one-on-one. For questions, or to have local CODEPINK events posted, email Jasmine.

February Actions

CODEPINK was all across the country this month demanding the closure of military bases, standing up against Trump's ethnic cleansing plan, and calling for the arrest of Netanyahu in DC! Check out some highlighted events!

Our DC Organizers gathered at the White House to protest the meeting between President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We called for the immediate arrest of Netanyahu and rejected the ongoing partnership between the U.S. and Israel.

CODEPINK Bay Area and other local CODEPINK chapters across the country took to military bases as a part of World Beyond War’s Global Day of Action to #CloseBases to highlight the importance of closing all all 800 foreign and domestic U.S, military bases. As we fight to dismantle the war machine globally, we demand our government invests that money and time into life-affirming resources. 

Upcoming March Actions

Mon, Mar 3

Revolutionary Women: Histories, Principles & Practices of International Working Women’s Day, 8pm ET

Join our webinar on the histories of IWWD, a look into some historic and present women on the frontlines of the resistance and how we can implement our transnational feminist values into our everyday lives.


Tues, Mar 4

Know Your Rights! Community Safety Training for Direct Actions, 7pm ET

Join CODEPINK and NLG Chicago for a virtual direct actions training! Bring questions, thoughts, and a friend!


Tues, Mar 4

CODEPINK Congress Capitol Calling Party, 8pm ET

Join CODEPINK Congress as we educate, activate, and mobilize for peace legislation!


Thurs, Mar 6

CODEPINK New Organizer Onboarding, 8pm ET

Ready to organize for peace in your local community? Want to know the history of CODEPINK and our role in the anti-imperialist movement? Want to learn more about how we organize and how you can get started? Join us for our monthly new organizer onboarding call to learn all this and more! 


IWWD 2025: Cut the War Budget! Invest in Women's Lives!

Our feminism on International Working Women’s Day, and every day, means standing with all women around the world! This IWWD, we call on you to embrace a feminist outlook that includes women in the Global South. We live in a country that gives over a trillion dollars to fund wars, military bases, and occupations that harm women and communities around the world; feminist values require us to be in solidarity with them!

For our sisters all over the world, it’s time we divest from war and militarism and invest in social services that support our communities! 

Join us on IWWD 2025!

Find a local event or start one of your own!

Mon, Mar 10

Missing Peace Monday with Dr. Rupa Marya, 8pm ET

This MPM, we will be joined by Dr. Rupa Marya, a renowned physician and professor of medicine at UCSF, who is on administrative leave for simply asking that the university examine the implications of inviting students with military backgrounds to join academic and health care institutions without accountability or screening. We need doctors like her ringing the alarm about blatant attacks on medical staff in Palestine!


Wed, Mar 12

Time & the War Economy, 8pm ET

Join us as we dissect the interplay between the war economy and the experience of time, and how the peace economy gives us back a sense of abundance and fulfillment in our lives.


Tues, Mar 18

CODEPINK Congress Capitol Calling Party, 8pm ET

Join CODEPINK Congress as we educate, activate, and mobilize for peace legislation!


Wed, Mar 19

Women in Conflict Zones, 12pm ET

The Women in Conflict Zones webinar, sponsored by World BEYOND War, Southern Anti-Racism Network, International Peace Bureau, Convention for Pan-Africanism and Progress (CPP), and CODEPINK, aims to shed light on the profound impacts of war on women and children and to discuss measures being taken to mitigate these effects.


Thurs, Mar 27

CODEPINK Community Call, 8pm ET

Join CODEPINK for our monthly community call! This is a space for our organizers to connect, share updates from the past month, and strategize on upcoming actions.


PINK Keffiyeh!

Show your support for Palestine loud and proud with a pink keffiyeh manufactured in the West Bank! Every purchase supports CODEPINK's mission to end U.S. wars and militarism and spread peace and human rights. 


Support Our Work

CODEPINK · 578 Washington Blvd, #395, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292, United States