A IIIª Guerra Mundial tem sido, desde o início, guerra híbrida e assimétrica, com componentes económicas, de subversão, desestabilização e lavagens ao cérebro, além das operações propriamente militares. Este cenário era bem visível, desde a guerra na Síria para derrubar Assad, ou mesmo, antes disso.

terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2022


 Gonzalo Lira, em Kharkov (Ucrânia) é observador direto do conflito da Rússia com a NATO. No Ocidente, as pessoas têm sido sistematicamente enganadas pela media sobre a situação no terreno. Estão sempre a dizer que os russos estão a perder, que a Ucrânia vai ganhar a guerra, o que não tem ponta de realidade! Ele defende que há uma grande probabilidade (sua estimativa é de 6/10, de acontecer) da NATO desencadear uma guerra nuclear. Oiça a lógica de Gonzalo no vídeo acima.


Tulsi Gabbard dá uma perspetiva realista sobre as razões dos atores governamentais e do complexo-militar industrial, para adotarem a atitude que põe os EUA e o Mundo em posição de arriscar uma guerra nuclear.


segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2022


 Retirado de: CJ Hopkins | Substack

The Gaslighting of the Masses

For students of official propaganda, mind control, emotional coercion, and other insidious manipulation techniques, the rollout of the New Normal has been a bonanza. Never before have we been able to observe the application and effects of these powerful technologies in real-time on such a massive scale.

In a little over two and a half years, our collective “reality” has been radically revised. Our societies have been radically restructured. Millions (probably billions) of people have been systematically conditioned to believe a variety of patently ridiculous assertions, assertions based on absolutely nothing, repeatedly disproved by widely available evidence, but which have nevertheless attained the status of facts. An entire fictitious history has been written based on those baseless and ridiculous assertions. It will not be unwritten easily or quickly.

I am not going to waste your time debunking those assertions. They have been repeatedly, exhaustively debunked. You know what they are and you either believe them or you don’t. Either way, reviewing and debunking them again isn’t going to change a thing.

Instead, I want to focus on one particularly effective mind-control technology, one that has done a lot of heavy lifting throughout the implementation of the New Normal and is doing a lot of heavy-lifting currently. I want to do that because many people mistakenly believe that mind-control is either (a) a “conspiracy theory” or (b) something that can only be achieved with drugs, microwaves, surgery, torture, or some other invasive physical means. Of course, there is a vast and well-documented history of the use of such invasive physical technologies (see, e.g., the history of the CIA’s infamous MKULTRA program), but in many instances mind-control can be achieved through much less elaborate techniques.

One of the most basic and effective techniques that cults, totalitarian systems, and individuals with fascistic personalities use to disorient and control people’s minds is “gaslighting.” You’re probably familiar with the term. If not, here are a few definitions:

“the manipulation of another person into doubting their perceptions, experiences, or understanding of events.” American Psychological Association

“an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity.” Psychology Today

“a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.” Newport Institute

The main goal of gaslighting is to confuse, coerce, and emotionally manipulate your victim into abandoning their own perception of reality and accepting whatever new “reality” you impose on them. Ultimately, you want to completely destroy their ability to trust their own perception, emotions, reasoning, and memory of historical events, and render them utterly dependent on you to tell them what is real and what “really” happened, and so on, and how they should be feeling about it.

Anyone who has ever experienced gaslighting in the context of an abusive relationship, or a cult, or a totalitarian system, or who has worked in a battered women’s shelter, can tell you how powerful and destructive it is. In the most extreme cases, the victims of gaslighting are entirely stripped of their sense of self and surrender their individual autonomy completely. Among the best-known and most dramatic examples are the Patty Hearst case, Jim Jones’ People’s Temple, the Manson family, and various other cults, but, the truth is, gaslighting happens every day, out of the spotlight of the media, in countless personal and professional relationships.

Since the Spring of 2020, we have been subjected to official gaslighting on an unprecedented scale. In a sense, the “Apocalyptic Pandemic” PSYOP has been one big extended gaslighting campaign (comprising countless individual instances of gaslighting) inflicted on the masses throughout the world. The events of this past week were just another example.

Basically, what happened was, a Pfizer executive confirmed to the European Parliament last Monday that Pfizer did not know whether its Covid “vaccine” prevented transmission of the virus before it was promoted as doing exactly that and forced on the masses in December of 2020. People saw the video of the executive admitting this, or heard about it, and got upset. They tweeted and Facebooked and posted videos of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Bill Gates, the Director of the CDC, official propagandists like Rachel Maddow, and various other “experts” and “authorities” blatantly lying to the public, promising people that getting “vaccinated” would “prevent transmission,” “protect other people from infection,” “stop the virus in its tracks,” and so on, which totally baseless assertions (i.e., lies) were the justification for the systematic segregation and persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” and the fomenting of mass fanatical hatred of anyone challenging the official “vaccine” narrative, and the official New Normal ideology, which hatred persists to this very day.

The New Normal propaganda apparatus (i.e., the corporate media, health “experts,” et al.) responded to the story predictably. They ignored it, hoping it would just go away. When it didn’t, they rolled out the “fact-checkers” (i.e., gaslighters).

The Associated Press, Reuters, PolitiFact, and other official gaslighting outfits immediately published lengthy official “fact-checks” that would make a sophist blush. Read them and you will see what I mean. They are perfect examples of official gaslighting, crafted to distract you from the point and suck you into an argument over meaningless details and definitions. They sound exactly like Holocaust deniers pathetically asserting that there is no written proof that Hitler ordered the Final Solution … which, there isn’t, but it doesn’t fucking matter. Of course Hitler ordered the Final Solution, and of course they lied about the “vaccines.”

The Internet is swimming with evidence of their lies … tweets, videos, articles, and so on.

Which is what makes gaslighting so frustrating for people who believe they are engaged in an actual good-faith argument over facts and the truth. But that’s not how totalitarianism works. The New Normals, when they repeat whatever the authorities have instructed them to repeat today (e.g., “trust the Science,” “safe and effective,” “no one ever claimed they would prevent transmission”), could not care less whether it is actually true, or even if it makes the slightest sense.

These gaslighting “fact-checks” are not meant to convince them that anything is true or false. And they are certainly not meant to convince us. They are official scripts, talking points, and thought-terminating clichés for the New Normals to repeat, like cultists chanting mantras at you to shut off their minds and block out anything that contradicts or threatens the “reality” of the cult.

You can present them with the actual facts, and they will smile knowingly, and deny them to your face, and condescendingly mock you for not “seeing the truth.”

But here’s the tricky thing about gaslighting.

In order to effectively gaslight someone, you have be in a position of authority or wield some other form of power over them. They have to need something vital from you (i.e., sustenance, safety, financial security, community, career advancement, or just love). You can’t walk up to some random stranger on the street and start gaslighting them. They will laugh in your face.

The reason the New Normal authorities have been able to gaslight the masses so effectively is that most of the masses do need something from them … a job, food, shelter, money, security, status, their friends, a relationship, or whatever it is they’re not willing to risk by challenging those in power and their lies. Gaslighters, cultists, and power freaks, generally, know this. It is what they depend on, your unwillingness to live without whatever it is. They zero in on it and threaten you with the loss of it (sometimes consciously, sometimes just intuitively).

Gaslighting won’t work if you are willing to give up whatever the gaslighter is threatening to take from you (or stop giving you, as the case may be), but you have to be willing to actually lose it, because you will be punished for defending yourself, for not surrendering your autonomy and integrity, and conforming to the “reality” of the cult, or the abusive relationship, or the totalitarian system.

I have described the New Normal (i.e., our new “reality”) as pathologized-totalitarianism, and as a “a cult writ large, on a societal scale.” I used the “Covidian Cult” analogy because every totalitarian system essentially operates like a cult, the main difference being that, in totalitarian systems, the balance of power between the cult and the normal (i.e., dominant) society is completely inverted. The cult becomes the dominant (i.e., “normal”) society, and non-cult-members become its “deviants.”

We do not want to see ourselves as “deviants” (because we haven’t changed, the society has), and our instinct is to reject the label, but that is exactly what we are … deviants. People who deviate from the norm, a new norm, which we reject, and oppose, but which, despite that, is nonetheless the norm, and thus we are going to be regarded and dealt with like deviants.

I am such a deviant. I have a feeling you are too. Under the circumstances, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, we need to accept it, and embrace it. Above all, we need to get clear about it, about where we stand in this new “reality.”

We are heading toward New Normal Winter No. 3. They are already cranking up the official propaganda, jacking up the fabricated “cases,” talking about reintroducing mask-mandates, fomenting mass hatred of “the Unvaccinated,” and so on. People’s gas bills and doubling and tripling. The global-capitalist ruling classes are openly embracing neo-Nazis. There is talk of “limited” nuclear war. Fanaticism, fear, and hatred abound. The gaslighting of the masses is not abating. It is increasing. The suppression of dissent is intensifying. The demonization of non-conformity is intensifying. Lines are being drawn in the sand. You see it and feel it just like I do.

Get clear on what’s essential to you. Get clear about what you’re willing to lose. Stay deviant. Stay frosty. This isn’t over.

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2022


 Numa guerra de propaganda, que invade não só as redes sociais, como (sobretudo) os «respeitáveis» órgãos da media «mainstream», não esperem que notícias como esta e os factos aqui relatados, sejam largamente difundidos. Mas, o seu conhecimento antecipado pode significar muito ao nível individual ou das famílias, ou seja, saber-se quais as medidas adequadas a tomar. De igual importância, são as medidas que os industriais poderão adotar, em previsão dos cortes drásticos de energia (quer energia elétrica, quer gás natural). 

As pessoas estão a ser iludidas por um écran de propaganda, que tem origem nas declarações de diversos membros do governo, de membros da comissão europeia e de outros com cargos oficiais, por um lado e pela media, por outro. 

  Uma das primeiras mentiras é dar a impressão de que o LNG poderá facilmente substituir o gás via gasodutos,  necessário para o aquecimento de lares e indústrias na UE. Nada mais longe da verdade:

1- A frota de navios capazes de transportar LNG é muito insuficiente para satisfazer as necessidades europeias. O aumento desta frota  especializada, para níveis adequados, irá demorar - no mínimo - 3-4 anos.

2- Os terminais nos portos, que poderão servir o LNG estão por construir, do lado europeu. Ainda por cima, é um empreendimento de engenharia muito caro, cuja rentabilidade não está garantida. Que financiamentos a construção das instalações receberão? O risco para os bancos será elevado, a não ser que estes tenham garantias dos Estados...

3- Os depósitos de gás natural que a UE possui, não são suscetíveis de ser mobilizados, sem um fluxo de gás natural de superfície, que venha arrastar o gás depositado. Por outras palavras, enquanto houve gás natural russo a circular pelos gasodutos, era possível mobilizar as reservas. Estas, não deveriam constituir mais do que 10 % da mistura. Veja a explicação técnica AQUI. Não se pode portanto contar com o gás em «reserva», pois ele não pode ser mobilizado na ausência de gás de superfície, circulando nos gasodutos. 

4- O LNG é um gás «sujo», ou seja, com muitos resíduos resultantes do fracking. Há portanto um custo acrescido em «limpá-lo» de impurezas. É mais difícil o armazenamento e com maior possibilidade de explosão do que para o gás importado da Rússia. 

5- O preço do LNG já é 4 vezes maior que o gás russo, transportado por gasodutos, mas ainda estamos no princípio da subida. Ninguém pode prever o seu preço, quando não houver gás russo. Apenas um pouco de gás russo continua a ser distribuído, via o gasoduto Turkstream. Este, foi sujeito recentemente a uma tentativa de sabotagem. Ele serve a Hungria, a Áustria, a Sérvia e a Itália. Porém, é impossível, através dele, de  fornecer os maiores consumidores europeus. A sabotagem dos gasodutos sob o Báltico NS1 e NS2 (ordenada pelos EUA) torna mais difícil a retoma do fluxo de gás para a Alemanha.  Com o Inverno que se aproxima, o preço do LNG vai subir até às nuvens. 

6- Não vejo que o governo americano esteja disposto a subsidiar os europeus para que estes não sofram tanto com esta subida brusca do preço do gás. Vejo o contrário! Várias empresas europeias estão já a considerar seriamente relocalizar-se nos EUA, pois aí o custo da energia é muito menor. Sem dúvida, nos EUA serão bem acolhidas, pois eles têm desejo de se re-industrializar!

Se os alemães e outros povos do Norte europeu estão a armazenar lenha para o Inverno, eles têm muitas razões para fazê-lo. Mas, as indústrias não poderão mudar o abastecimento de gás ou eletricidade, para lenha! Vai - portanto - haver uma onda (que já começou) de fecho de empresas, cuja fatura energética subiu de tal maneira, que deixaram de ser rentáveis!

A crise energética, fabricada pelos globalistas que nos governam, não é causada pela guerra na Ucrânia. Ninguém pode dizer que os russos querem «estrangular» energeticamente a UE, pois eles têm sido boicotados, sujeitos a sanções, diabolizados e têm continuado a fornecer o gás a países que se tornaram claramente hostis. Mas, como de costume, a «culpa» é sempre do «outro», neste caso «do Putin»!

Quando é que as pessoas acordam e percebem como têm sido manipuladas? 


                                        Homem escrevendo uma carta - Gabriel Metsu , Séc. XVII

Supondo que as palavras não morreram,  o que é uma audaciosa aposta, eu sei, quero deixar um RECADO deste mundo, às gerações que vierem; se elas existirem!

Não quero fazer-lhe sermões de moral. Sei lá que vivências serão as dos humanos, quando num futuro distante, for estudado «o século XXI»? 

O século em que a estupidez e ganância dos poderosos quase despoletou o Apocalipse nuclear? 

Se as gerações futuras puderem ler este texto, significa que afinal não se chegou a esse ponto.

Creio que a lição a tirar pelas gerações futuras será: Como evitar armadilhas semelhantes?

- O meu recado é o seguinte:

 Nunca deixem vossos problemas, as questões graves, em mãos alheias!

A perversidade de tal sistema - a delegação sistemática do poder a uma minoria - acaba por desembocar em guerra. Pois esta é a maneira de uns poucos se manterem no controlo, obrigando todos os outros a obedecer!



sábado, 15 de outubro de 2022


O Fórum Económico Mundial é uma organização conspirativa mundial contra a democracia e os povos. Eles captam (desde 1992) jovens líderes políticos e económicos, artistas e pessoas célebres. Estes, são recrutados para avançar, nos respetivos países, com a agenda globalista. 

Leia o artigo de Global Research, de autoria de Jacob Nordangard «World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed»*.

Aos nomes abaixo, juntaram-se os respetivos cargos mais relevantes que têm ou que tiveram. 

Angela Merkel, Chanceler da Alemanha 

Tony Blair, Primeiro Ministro do Reino Unido

 Nicolas Sarkozy, Presidente da França

 Bill Gates, Microsoft

Jack Ma, Fundador de Alibaba

Larry Page, Fundador de Google

Ricken Patel, Fundador de Avaaz

David de Rothschild  (da família dos banqueiros Rothschild)

Jimmy Wale, Fundador de Wikipedia

Jacob Wallenberg, Presidente de «Investor»

Niklas Zennström, Fundador de Skype

Mark Zuckerberg, Fundador de Facebook

 Bono,  cantor-compositor

 Richard Branson (Virgin)

 Jorma Ollila (Shell Oil)

 José Manuel Barroso (Presidente da Comissão Europeia 2004–2014)

Victoria - Princesa Herdeira da Coroa da Suécia  

Haakon da Noruega - Príncipe Herdeiro

Fredrik Príncipe da Dinamarca 

Jaime de Bourbon de Parme, Príncipe da Holanda

Reema Bint Bandar Al-Saud, Princesa, Embaixadora da Arábia Saudita nos EUA

Jacinda Arden, Primeira Ministra da Nova Zelândia

Alexander De Croo, Primeiro Ministro da Bélgica

Emmanuel Macron, Presidente de França

Sanna Marin, Primeiro Ministro Finlândia

Carlos Alvarado Quesada, Presidente, Costa Rica

Faisal Alibrahim, Ministro da economia e do Plano, da Arábia Saudita

Shauna Aminath, Ministro  Ambiente, Alterações Climáticas, Tecnologia, Ilhas Maldivas 

Ida Auken, Deputada, ex-ministra do ambiente da Dinamarca (autora do artigo “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better”)

Annalena Baerbock,Ministra dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Líder da Alliance 90/Die Grünen, Alemanha

Kamissa Camara, Ministro da Economia Digital e Planificação do Mali

Ugyen Dorji, Ministro dos Assuntos Domésticos do Bhutan

Chrystia Freeland, Vice-primeira ministro e ministra das finanças do Canada

Martín Guzmán, Ministro das finanças, Argentina

Muhammad Hammad Azhar, Ministro da Energia do Paquistão

Paula Ingabire, Ministra da Informação e das tecnologias de comunicação e inovação, do Ruanda

Ronald Lamola, Ministro da Justiça e serviços correcionais da África do Sul

Birgitta Ohlson, Ministra dos Assuntos da União Europeia de 2010-2014, Suécia

Mona Sahlin, Líder do Partido Social Democrata de 2007–2011, Suécia

Stav Shaffir, Líder do Partido os Verdes, Israel

Vera Daves de Sousa, Ministra das Finanças de Angola

Leonardo Di Caprio, ator e ativista do clima

Mattias Klum, fotógrafo e ambientalista



Como complemento, apresento uma análise aprofundada do WEF por F. William Engdahl:

Klaus Schwab trained our politicians in WEF Global Leaders program

© F. William Engdahl 16 February, 2022

Davos and the Purloined Letter Conspiracy

The famous short story by Edgar Allen Poe, The Purloined Letter, is apt in describing the agenda of Klaus Schwab, founder some 50 years ago of what is today the globally influential Davos World Economic Forum (WEF)–Hidden in plain sight. Schwab published a book in 2020 titled The Great Reset, which calls on world leaders to use the "opportunity" of the COVID-19 pandemic to fundamentally reorganize the global economy into a dystopian top-down version of the technocratic UN Agenda 2030.

For those willing to do patient research, Schwab's WEF reveals an astonishing degree of the current globalist agenda for a technocratic totalitarianism. Even more he has been developing hand-picked cadre to implement this agenda over three decades, with a select global "cadre school" for "future global leaders." In effect it is what we might call the Davos Conspiracy, agents promoted around the world to infiltrate top policy circles and push the sinister Davos Reset agenda.

One of the most astonishing features of the COVID pandemic fear hysteria is the degree to which politicians worldwide have followed in lockstep, along with global media and key health figures, to embrace an unprecedented agenda of economic and human destruction in the name of fighting a virus. It turns out that most all key players all have something in common. They are hand-picked graduates or "alumni" as he calls them, of Klaus Schwab's Davos cadre school, his annual program called Young Global Leaders and, pre-2004, called Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

Since the first group of Davos cadre were selected in 1993, more than
1,400 "future global leaders" have been trained in a highly secret process which is rarely ever mentioned in the bio of Davos graduates.

With the patience of a spider weaving a vast web, Klaus Schwab and his wealthy backers at the World Economic Forum have created the most influential network of policy actors in modern history, or perhaps ever.

In a 2017 video with David Gergen at Harvard, Schwab boasts of being proud that, "we penetrate the cabinets" with Davos Young Global Leader cadre. Schwab states, "I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel…and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now…"

Great Reset

The Great Reset, as explained by Schwab in his co-authored June 2020 book of the same title, and elaborated in full on the website of the World Economic Forum, is there for anyone curious to discover. It lays out a program to reorganize the global economy top-down, using the COVID disruptions to push among other things a green zero carbon agenda, elimination of meat protein and traditional agriculture, an elimination of fossil fuels, air travel contraction, eliminating cash for central bank digital currencies and a totalitarian medical system of mandatory vaccinations.

In the June 2020 virtual Davos summit of global leaders, aptly titled The Great Reset, Schwab declared, "Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a 'Great Reset' of capitalism… There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19." The Great Reset, he continues, requires that, "governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes. Depending on the country, these may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies… The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability."

What Schwab does not mention is that it has been his network of Davos "global leaders" who have been at the heart of advancing the COVID draconian agenda from unnecessary lockdowns to forced vaccinations to mandatory mask. The pandemic has been the necessary first phase of the Great Reset. Without it he would not be able to talk about fundamental global changes.

Here Schwab's agenda is global wealth redistribution for creating the infamous UN Agenda 2030 "sustainable" economy: "The US, China, and Japan also have ambitious economic-stimulus plans. Rather than using these funds… to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building "green" urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics." He adds, "The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good, especially by addressing health and social challenges."

Purloined Letter

The 1844 short story by American author Edgar Allen Poe, The Purloined Letter, tells of a stolen letter of the French Queen being used to blackmail her by an unscrupulous minister. When Paris police search the house of the suspected thief meticulously without result, a friend of the chief inspector is able to find the purloined document by looking for it, "hidden in plain sight."

So, it is with what is without doubt the most brazen and criminal conspiracy of modern times, the Davos Great Reset. Everything is there, open for anyone with patience to wade through the pages of WEF press releases and web pages. Notable is that the global players, the Davos "cadre" carefully chosen over the past thirty years to be groomed for positions of power to implement the Great Reset agenda, are openly named on the Davos website, found with a little patient searching. Partial lists have appeared naming a small handful of the Davos "Young Global Leaders." A more exhaustive search of some 1400 names in the annual cadre school classes since 1992 reveals an astonishing, detailed conspiracy. The WEF website states the global leaders are "trained to be aligned with the World Economic Forum's mission," to "drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest."

The following is the result of reviewing every WEF class of future global leaders since 1993.

What is most striking is that key players linked to Schwab are involved in the decisive measures that have made the COVID-19 "pandemic" the economically and physically destructive process it is. WEF alumni are in the middle of everything covid.

Davos, Gates and mRNA Vaccines

At the heart of the COVID-19 agenda is clearly the "warp speed" rollout of untested experimental mRNA gene-edited concoctions, misnamed vaccines, by two pharma companies—Pfizer (with BioNTech of Germany) and Moderna of USA.

Bill Gates (WEF 1993) and his Gates Foundation are at the heart of the mRNA gene-edited jab rollout along with Tony Fauci of the US NIAID.

Gates was selected by Schwab before he had even created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in 1993, for the first group of WEF cadre together with Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and others. Was Schwab influential in getting Gates to create the foundation?
Gates Foundation money, hundreds of millions, have in effect bought control of the corrupt UN World Health Organization, according to WHO whistleblower, Swiss epidemiologist, Astrid Stuckelberger, who in a recent interview stated, "WHO has changed since I was there…There was a change in 2016…It was special: Non-governmental organizations – such as GAVI – Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization - led by Bill Gates – they joined the WHO in 2006 with a fund. Since then, the WHO has developed into a new type of international organization. GAVI gained more and more influence, and total immunity, more than the diplomats in the UN."
Gates' foundation, along with Schwab's WEF created the global GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance in 2000. Another infamous alumnus of the Gates WEF Global Leaders class, José Manuel Barroso (WEF 1993), – President of the European commission from 2004-2014, former head Goldman Sachs International, member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee – was named CEO of the Gates-financed GAVI vaccine alliance in January 2021, as the mRNA jabs were rolled out. Barroso now oversees global spending on the mRNA vaccines for Gates and WHO.

Albert Bourla chief executive officer of Pfizer, is a WEF Agenda Contributor. His Pfizer Vice President, Vasudha Vats (WEF 2021), is a WEF "global leader" recruit.

The other key mRNA jab maker is Moderna, whose CEO, Stéphane Bancel (WEF 2009) is another Davos alumnus. The very next year, 2010, Bancel was selected to be CEO of a new company, Moderna, in Massachusetts. In 2016, with no successful mRNA product yet approved, Bancel's Moderna signed a global health project framework agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to advance mRNA-based development projects for various infectious diseases. The same year Bancel signed a global health project framework agreement with Tony Fauci and the NIAID. In a January 2018 speech to the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, more than a year before the world heard of COVID-19 out of Wuhan China, Gates declared, "We are backing companies like CureVac and Moderna on mRNA approaches for vaccine and drug development…" Prescience?

Davos Politicians

The second key component for the Davos pandemic agenda has been an international collection of key politicians in the EU and North America especially, who have backed the most draconian lockdown and forced vaccination measures in history. Most all the key actors are Davos WEF Global Leaders.
In Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel led one of the most severe COVID lockdowns until she retired in December 2021. She was from the first 1993 WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow class. Her Health Minister, Jens Spahn (WEF 2012), was also a Davos alumnus. Spahn coerced mass mRNA jabs and pushed unnecessary lockdowns and masking. He was a former pharma lobbyist. Philipp Rösler, Merkel’s Minister of Health from 2009 until 2011, was appointed the WEF Managing Director by Schwab in 2014. In December a new coalition government as formed after Merkel retired, under Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was invited to give a Special Address to the January 2022 Davos WEF Meeting by Schwab. Germany's new Foreign Minister, Green leader Annalena Baerbock (WEF 2020), was chosen to be a Global Leader just prior to her becoming Chancellor candidate. Baerbock's controversial pick as State Secretary for climate change diplomacy, Greenpeace head, Jennifer Morgan, a US citizen, is a WEF Agenda Contributor and close friend of WEF Board member Al Gore. Former German Green Party head, Cem Özdemir (WEF 2002), is new Minister of Agriculture and Nutrition.
In France President Emmanuel Macron (WEF 2016) mysteriously rose from an obscure Cabinet Minister to become President of France in 2017 with no party, just a year after being selected to join the WEF Global Leaders program. As President, Macron has instituted some of the most draconian COVID measures in the world including internal passports and mandated vaccines.
Other EU politicians from the Davos club include Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis (WEF 2003), Prime Minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croo, (WEF 2015). Both have imposed severe COVID measures. Sanna Marin (WEF 2020), the controversial Prime Minister of Finland invoked a state of emergency in Finland, with severe lockdowns and other drastic measures. In the UK former Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, (WEF 1993) was named by WHO in April 2021 to promote a $60 billion program for COVID vaccination in "poor countries." Brown became WHO Ambassador for Global Health Financing in September 2021.
In North America the Canadian government of Justin Trudeau, now subject to a massive popular revolt against his severe vaccine mandates and other measures, is riddled with Davos agents. Trudeau himself is a Davos WEF Agenda Contributor and frequent speaker at Davos. Schwab introduced Trudeau in 2016 stating, "I couldn't imagine anyone who could represent more the world that will come out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution."
The key COVID actor for Trudeau is Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland who is on the WEF Board of Trustees, and leads Trudeau's COVID response. Other WEF agents in Ottawa are Foreign Minister, Mélanie Joly (WEF 2016), Family Minister Karina Gould (WEF 2020). Canada’s Government is a Davos domain.
In the USA top Biden Administration appointees include Jeffrey Zients (WEF 2003), White House Coronavirus Coordinator. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (WEF 2019) who suddenly announced for President after being chosen by Davos is another. US deep state operative Samantha Power (WEF 2003) is Biden's head of USAID, the major foreign aid agency closely tied to CIA activities abroad. Rebecca Weintraub (WEF 2014) a Harvard professor who works for total vaccination of everyone in the world with mandatory vaccines even for children, is adviser to the Department of Health and Human Services' National Vaccine Advisory Committee.
California Governor Gavin Newsom (WEF 2005) imposed some of the nation's most severe lockdowns and mask mandates as did Jared Polis (WEF 2013) Governor of Colorado, with a public health order that made Colorado one of the first states to require proof of full vaccination to be admitted into the large indoor events.
Australia and New Zealand have been two of the world's most severe COVID tyranny regimes. In Australia, Health Minister Greg Hunt was WEF Director of Strategy in 2001 and WEF Global Leader in 2003. He controls the extreme government COVID-19 policies. In New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (WEF 2014) met with Bill Gates in New York in September
2019 as featured speaker at the Gates Foundation annual Sustainable Development Goals conference, just before the China COVID events and days before the October Event 201 "pandemic simulation" by World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As Prime Minister, Ardern has imposed waves of lockdowns, removing most civil rights and virtually banned international travel.

Think Tanks and Academics

This is far from the extent of the carefully-cultivated and promoted Davos global network behind orchestrating global COVID-19 pandemic measures. Instrumental roles are also played by the Rockefeller Foundation, whose President, Rajiv Shah (WEF 2007) was a leading figure for the Africa Green Revolution when he was at the Gates Foundation, as well as vaccine programs. As head of the influential Rockefeller Foundation, Shah plays a key role promoting the Davos Great Reset where he is WEF Agenda Contributor. Another highly influential US policy think tank, the New York Council on Foreign Relations, has deep engagement in the COVID-19 agenda. Thomas Bollyky (WEF 2013) is Director of the CFR Global Health Program, and is a former Gates Foundation as well as WHO consultant. He directed the CFR Task Force on Improving Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons from COVID-19 (2020).

Jeremy Howard (WEF 2013) is an Australian who at the start of the COVID-19 organized a worldwide campaign for mandatory face masks.

Mustapha Mokass (WEF 2015) developed a vaccine passport system for the Schwab 4th Industrial Revolution agenda.

Mainstream Media

The role of managed media has been at the heart of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic propaganda offensive. Davos and the WEF of Schwab are in the midst of this as well.

CNN is one of the most notorious propaganda outlets promoting fear and advocating the mRNA jabs while attacking any proven remedial treatment. CNN and Davos are well-connected.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta (WEF 2010), chief medical correspondent for CNN played a key role promoting the official narrative in the COVID-19 deep event. Dr. Leana Sheryle Wen (WEF 2018) is a columnist with The Washington Post and a CNN medical analyst. As a CNN 'medical contributor' Wen suggested that life needs to be "hard" for Americans who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine. Anderson Cooper (WEF 2008), a former CIA "intern," is a major CNN host. Jeffrey Dean Zeleny (WEF 2013) is the Chief National Affairs Correspondent for CNN.

While CNN produces one-sided commentary on the mRNA jabs and COVID, highly-influential owners of social media corporations engage in unprecedented banning of any critical or contrary opinion in censorship that would make a Goebbels blush. Among them is Mark Zuckerberg (WEF 2009) the billionaire owner of CIA-backed Facebook, and Twitter board member Martha Lane Fox (WEF 2012), a member of the UK Joint Committee on National Security Strategy and on House of Lords COVID-19 Committee. Larry Page (WEF 2005) is a billionaire co-founder of Google, arguably the world’s most used search engine.

Marc Benioff (WEF Board of Trustees) billionaire owner of Time magazine and Salesforce cloud computing, is also connected to Bill Gates's “The Giving Pledge.” Dawood Azami (WEF 2011) is multi-media editor at the BBC World Service, the influential UK state-owned broadcaster. Jimmy Wales (WEF 2007) is founder of Wikipedia which notoriously alters content of COVID-related entries to promote the WHO and Davos agenda. Lynn Forester de Rothschild (WEF 1995) with her husband, Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, owns The Economist magazine, which promotes the COVID Davos agenda along with the coming Green reset. She was introduced to Sir Evelyn by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Conference in Scotland.

Other figures among the Davos stable of “global future leaders” alumni include Jamie Dimon (WEF 1996), CEO JP Morgan Chase, Nathaniel Rothschild (WEF 2005) son and heir apparent to Baron Jacob Nathaniel "Nat" Rothschild. David Mayer de Rothschild (WEF 2007), a British billionaire green agenda advocate with a fortune of estimated 10 billion dollars is another Davos protege.

WEF “Strategic Corporate Partners" helping mentor the Davos Global Leaders include Barclays Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Deutsche Bank AG, General Motors Company, The Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Google Inc., HSBC Holdings Plc, McKinsey & Company and UBS AG and such.

The Powerful Board of Trustees

Is this concentration of global power just coincidence or part of a genuine outright conspiracy? A reading of the current World Economic Forum Board of Trustees helps to answer.

The WEF Board of Trustees includes, in addition to those already named, some of the world’s most influential people. Along with Chairman Klaus Schwab, it includes Mukesh D. Ambani, Chairman of India’s Reliance Industries. Ambani's net worth is estimated at US$96 billion making him the second richest person in Asia and the 8th richest in the world. WEF Board also includes Larry Fink, Chairman of BlackRock, the world’s largest investment group with some $9 trillion under management. Also included are Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank.
Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and Green Agenda guru and former US politician, Al Gore, backer of Greta Thunberg. Thomas Buberl Chief Executive Officer, AXA Insurance; Orit Gadiesh, Chairman, Bain & Company; Andre Hoffmann of Swiss drug giant, Hoffmann-La Roche, and a director of Club of Rome and WWF. As well as Lubna S. Olayan, billionaire former head, Olayan Financing Group; Joe Kaeser, Chairman of Siemens Energy; Jim Hagemann Snabe, Chairman, Siemens and Maersk Shipping; Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO). As well, Julie Sweet, CEO of global management consultants, Accenture; David M. Rubenstein, Chairman, Carlyle Group; Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan; Mark Schneider, CEO of Nestlé.

This Davos WEF network is without doubt one of the most influential groups of powerful people in the world. This Davos WEF network begins to suggest how pandemics and destructive Green Agenda policies are imposed on an unwitting world.

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2022


Imagem: Acampamento de Beríngios, os primeiros a povoar a América. 

 No diálogo sobre o fenómeno humano II, tínhamos abordado alguns aspetos relacionados com a  sexualidade. Hoje iremos prosseguir o diálogo entre um Paleoantropólogo e uma Geneticista, abordando aspetos relacionados com a saúde humana em geral, e com a nutrição em particular.

P- Da última vez que falámos, abordámos a questão fundamental para a sobrevivência da espécie que é a da reprodução e a sexualidade e os fenómenos associados, mesmo que sejam a um nível bastante indireto. Hoje, gostaria de abordar a problemática da nutrição nos humanos, quer passados, quer presentes.

G- Este tema que propões é, pelo que vejo em termos de divulgação em magazines populares e ao nível das crianças e adolescentes, um dos temas mais mal abordados, mais mitificados, talvez tanto como o da sexualidade.

P- Sim; a verdade é que a sociedade contemporânea se baseia num princípio de acumulação; consumir e consumir até mais não poder. A ciência realmente não é divulgada, ou apenas aspetos fragmentários, que não dão uma verdadeira educação elementar aos indivíduos, quer sobre as regras verdadeiras de comer saudavelmente e de maneira equilibrada, quer de possuir uma autonomia na confeção dos alimentos, permitindo às pessoas, às famílias, compor as refeições de acordo com o seu prazer gustativo e respeitando as leis da dietética.

G- Não achas que a sedução joga em desfavor das pessoas, permitindo ou levando a que elas se intoxiquem, ou se envenenem lentamente, para satisfazer o afã de lucro de grandes empresas de alimentação industrializada? As pessoas estão completamente submetidas à indústria alimentar. Compram os produtos já embalados, nalguns casos pré-cozinhados; têm uma preferência pelo que lhes parece mais apetitoso, mas isso não é quase nunca o mais saudável: Os alimentos são sobrecarregados de sal; são adicionados açúcares que despertam o apetite (têm um efeito aperitivo) em múltiplos alimentos confecionados. Além disso, para que o produto tenha uma maior durabilidade nas estantes dos supermercados, são acrescentados vários conservantes; para que esse produto tenha aspeto saudável (só aparência) são acrescentados corantes.

P- Pois, a sociedade industrial, por um lado fornece tudo com o menor esforço. As pessoas podem portanto dedicar-se às tarefas profissionais durante mais tempo, sendo as horas dedicadas aos afazeres domésticos cada vez menores. O cozinhar em família, é apenas atividade para os fins-de-semana, no melhor dos casos. Mas, lembremos que a sociedade humana, nasceu e cresceu em torno da partilha na preparação e confeção dos alimentos. A sociedade e a família organizavam as relações em torno da fogueira, da lareira, do forno... As crianças ouviam histórias contadas pelos adultos, as várias gerações encontravam-se para refeições conjuntas, partilhadas.

G- A produção de grande parte dos alimentos de que dispunham as comunidades agrícolas era comum; a autarcia era quase total. As pessoas comiam essencialmente aquilo que a terra produzia. Faziam algumas trocas comerciais, mas a um nível muito reduzido. Daí que as trocas envolvendo dinheiro não tivessem papel relevante, ao nível das aldeias.

P- Estamos no cerne da questão, pois a uma dada sociedade, organizada de determinada maneira, corresponde um padrão de organização da economia determinado. Ora a economia da produção e consumo alimentar é um aspeto fundamental. Hoje em dia, é tão verdadeiro como há 50 mil anos atrás. Só que as prioridades mudaram; hoje a sociedade está organizada para os produtores/consumidores dedicarem o máximo do seu esforço e tempo a atividades profissionais, e/ou «lúdicas». A alimentação foi industrializada e as pessoas não valorizam, como dantes, as refeições em comum, desde o ato de cozinharem, até à partilha à mesa dos alimentos confecionados, ocasião especial para convívio. Este tipo de convívio está a ser desencorajado pela civilização individualista «extremista», em que é frequente ver-se cada membro da família comer no seu cantinho, vendo o programa de TV, ou jogando no computador ou smartphone, num alheamento total dos outros.

G- A destruição das relações familiares e de amizade, será um aspeto muito negativo de uma sociedade de consumidores «autistas». Mas, para coroar o todo, temos uma epidemia de obesidade, devida à ingestão de comidas hipercalóricas, conjugada com a perda da saciedade natural. Existem mecanismos psicossomáticos e hormonais desencadeando uma sensação de saciedade; na pessoa frustrada, ansiosa, ou desinserida socialmente, estes mecanismos não operam tão bem. Isto explica por que razão a epidemia de obesidade afeta mais pessoas com certos perfis psicossociais.  Nos países afluentes da Europa e da América do Norte, verifica-se que as pessoas das classes mais baixas, as mais destituídas do ponto de vista económico e social, são as que possuem maior taxa de obesidade e doenças associadas (diabetes, cardiopatias, carências vitamínicas...) 

P- A dominação do lobby da alimentação industrial  penetra nos interstícios do Estado. Faz obstáculo a que as crianças e adolescentes recebam nas escolas a educação básica que permitiria a cada um deles, depois de atingido o estado adulto, adotar um comportamento alimentar responsável, favorecendo o seu equilíbrio.  O mesmo se pode dizer em relação à medicina acéfala, destituída de preocupação em prevenir as doenças. Ela fica muito feliz pelo investimento que o Estado faz em aparelhos caríssimos, ou em subsidiar os doentes  que recorram a essa medicina tecnológica.

G- É uma das questões mais graves, a da incapacidade ao nível da sociedade, como um todo, de promover ativamente as boas práticas, não apenas em nutrição, como numa vida saudável, ativa, para todas as idades. A população vive cada vez mais tempo, mas esse aumento de esperança de vida total não tem sido acompanhado por aumentos equivalentes de anos de vida com saúde. Por outras palavras, as pessoas vivem, mas com a carga de doenças múltiplas, resultantes de hábitos errados adquiridos, que se fazem sentir com maior gravidade nos últimos anos de vida. A tecnologia médica progrediu bastante em relação a determinado tipo de doenças que antes eram causadoras de morte. Por exemplo, as doenças causadas por bactérias começaram - há uns 75 anos - a ser tratadas e curadas, graças a antibióticos: Porém, se isso permitiu salvar muitas pessoas jovens ou de meia-idade, aumentando assim a esperança de vida, não foi dar uma melhor qualidade de vida às pessoas...

P- Verifica-se que as sociedades não ocidentalizadas do Terceiro Mundo, têm uma população não obesa, mas em sociedades semelhantes, mas que tenham sido culturalmente colonizadas pelo «fast food» e pelas bebidas açucaradas industriais, observa-se os mesmos níveis de obesidade, diabetes, cardiopatias, etc, que no mundo «rico»!

G- O que mais me entristece é que tenho a certeza que os responsáveis pelas medidas políticas dos diversos Estados, sabem perfeitamente, têm conhecimento das estatísticas, têm acesso a estudos, têm técnicos e conselheiros que não podem ignorar as realidades no terreno. Porém, as situações perduram e vão-se mesmo agravando. Não tenho dúvidas que os médicos individualmente lamentam este estado de coisas. Mas existem alguns pequenos grupos, que eu chamaria dos capitalistas da medicina (e da saúde) que têm toda a vantagem num alargamento das necessidades de tratamentos caros, envolvendo aparelhos sofisticados, etc. Esta medicina tecnologizada pode parecer a marca de uma sociedade «desenvolvida» ao eleitor incauto; mas tal sociedade é «mais desenvolvida» apenas na sua forma de exploração. 

P- Muitas vezes interrogo-me, quando sei de alguém que está a fazer terapia por motivo de cancro, se não seria infinitamente melhor, evitando um terrível sofrimento humano, serem  drasticamente  reduzidas as causas ambientais dos cancros. Como sabemos, muitos cancros têm génese ambiental. Entre as causas mais comuns para o aumento de incidência de cancros, tem-se os alimentos com determinadas toxinas, com conservantes, corantes, ativadores do paladar, açúcares, outras  substâncias nocivas desde antibióticos a inseticidas, a metais pesados, etc. que se encontram especialmente nas dietas das pessoas urbanas, com alimentação industrial. A maioria dos cancros deve-se a erros da alimentação (por exemplo: insuficientes fibras ingeridas), à ingestão frequente de substâncias cancerígenas, ao abuso de bebidas alcoólicas, etc.

G- Muitas pessoas têm avitaminoses não diagnosticadas, mas que irão potenciar outras doenças. A sociedade atual vive numa redoma de ilusões, de mitos, em relação às «maravilhas» da medicina. Esta não pode fazer mais, do que ajudar que a Natureza faça o seu trabalho. O melhor que a medicina pode fazer, é ajudar o indivíduo a curar-se ou - dalguma forma - a superar a doença. A crença numa medicina «milagrosa», tem como efeito perverso que as pessoas já não sejam responsáveis pelo seu corpo e saúde, confiando que podem fazer todos os disparates, pois a medicina «encontrou maneira de resolver muitas doenças»!