sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2025

Direitos Humanos, Justiça, Nos EUA?? Deves estar a sonhar!!


Usam-se correntemente nas prisões dos EUA os métodos do MKUltra (pesquise o que significa a sigla). Este corredor é «o buraco» na prisão central de Nova Iorque, onde Jeffrey Epstein «foi suicidado». Sim, conseguiu enforcar-se; não tinha banco, estava em vigilância por risco de suicídio, os guardas adormeceram e as câmaras de vigilância avariaram. Coincidências...

Mas, infelizmente, esta realidade estende-se a muitos prisioneiros de consciência, prisioneiros políticos, que são manipulados para confessar o crime que não cometeram... Como assim? 

Vejam abaixo a explicação:

(abaixo, copiado do blog de Martin Armstrong)

[...] A plea of guilty means NOTHING. You are given the choice of trial and 120 years since you will NEVER get a fair trial in NYC, or you plea and take 5 years. Claiming these January 6th prisoners plead guilty is only because they and their families are threatened. That is our legal SYSTEM. Will Trump investigate? I seriously doubt it. The Deep State controls the country, and nobody in DC will challenge them so much for We the People.

Judge Rakoff, when he retired, wrote a book on how the government ROUTINELY forces innocent people to plead guilty all the time. I have written that I do not believe in the death penalty as being the worst punishment. That is life imprisonment. Two death row inmates who Biden commuted their sentences just rejected it. I would do the same. Trump is DEAD WRONG on the death penalty. It is NEVER a deterrent. That is pure bullshit. Make it the choice of the inmate – life or death. Many would choose death over being tortured mentally for the rest of their lives. You want a deterrent, a prosecutor should suffer the punishment he imposes on an innocent person. Now, you will start to clean up the legal system.

More than 50% of the people in federal prison are innocent. The guilty go free because they know the game. You implicate and bring in as many people as you can and you go home. I met priests in prison who thought they were being kind and wire money to China. He thought to help a family, and the person was a drug dealer who asked him to please help his family. A superintendent of an apartment building was given 17 years because drug dealers said he would let them know if the police were entering the building. They tried to give the death penalty to a 26-year-old who, when asked where Joe was, replied he was over there, and they killed him. The prosecutors are the worst people you will ever meet. They wanted the death penalty on that kid just to win one in NYC for once – not the shooters.

To survive these MKUltra Tactics, you MUST turn it into a game like the TV series Survivor. They would throw me in a cell that was so hot that my underwear was too much to wear. They throw you into a cell that is so cold you see your breath and deny you any clothing but your underwear. Sleep deprivation is also a favorite. You have to turn it mentally into a survivor game. Ok, I beat that one – what’s next? They threw me in with the terrorists from the first World Trade Center attack. A Muslim cannot be seen naked. They would come and order you to take off all your clothes and claim the guy is behind them with fresh clothes that never came. No heat. I told the kid to put on the blanket. He said no, they told him it was made of pig hair. I told him they were liars. There is no such thing. It is wool. He finally believed me. All the time, my family tried to see me, but they told them I was not there.

This is why the US Conviction Rate approaches 99% in USA

Fair Trials Do NOT Exist

And there is ABSOLUTELY Nobody who will defend the people there.

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